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5 powerful methods, which can actually help to get rid of your migraine

5 powerful methods, which can actually help to get rid of your migraine

Do you hate headaches like I do? As a pharmacist I know, that if you have a migraine, you are basically helpless. Painkillers don’t work well, there are certain drugs you can take, which can cause panic attacks...but there’s no method that can actually help in realm of drugs or drugstore methods. I’ve been searching for alternative solutions for years because I have been suffering from migraines quite a few times.

I hate headaches, even more, migraines. They are debilitating, decrease your life quality. Make you nauseous, dizzy, unproductive. I can get migraines during my period but today was different. It’s started yesterday afternoon. I took a nap because I was super tired and woke up with a headache. I thought I was just hungry, eating helped...then I was hoping that sleeping it out would solve my issues.

Before I get a headache, I feel bad neck tension and if this persists, it can evolve into a headache, which lasts a day at least. Today I should have worked. I woke up in the morning and felt incapable of going, so I called sick. I also have to mention something here. According to my experience, every time, before I get sick, there’s a short period, when I feel terribly tired and weak. If I push myself that time, I get very sick, if I go to sleep and rest for a few hours, I stay fine.

So, back to my morning, I tried to fall asleep again but I couldn’t. I just felt the terrible neck tension. I was massaged by my friend recently, and she massaged out a big knot under my skull...every time I massaged that knot, I got a bad headache for a day. I was super happy that it was gone. But today, the tightness came back...there wasn’t any major knot...just tension.

Using the acupressure mat has always helped me to relieve muscle tension in my back and neck. Let’s see the things you can do for relieving your migraine, which actually WORK. At least they’ve worked for me. I’m gonna list them from the least but kind of an effective method to the absolute best.

1. Migraine music

Just search for it on YouTube, there are tons of videos. It somewhat helped me to alleviate it. I would give it a 3 out of 10.

2. Turmeric

Turmeric is not only a powerful antioxidant but it has strong anti-inflammatory properties as well as a mild painkiller effect. You can take a turmeric supplement, make sure that it contains pepperine as well, which can increase its effect by 1000%. If you are anything like me and always prefer to take the whole form, put 1-2 tsp of turmeric in a glass of water, add a pinch of black pepper, stir it, and drink it. It’s not yummy but it’s effective.

If you want a more refined method, make some turmeric latte and add a bit of black pepper.

Turmeric has helped me many times with menstrual cramps, headaches, toothache, etc.

3. Massage

Massage definitely helps. Ask someone to massage your neck or try to do it for yourself.

You can also experiment with a foam roller or a massaging ball.

4. Footbath

It sounds simple but this is actually a powerful way to relieve your migraine. I usually put super hot water in a bucket, take some extra hot water next to me, put in some Epsom salt, Apple cider vinegar, and salt. Let my feet soak for about 20 minutes. If you combine this with a neck massage, it can work wonders.

5. Acupressure mat

To continue my story, I have to say that this is the No. 1 BEST thing you can do. Lay on your acupressure mat for 20 minutes. If you don’t have one, BUY ASAP!

Acupressure mats can help you to get rid of stress and muscle tension. Since I’ve ordered mine from China, I’m in love. You can get one from Aliexpress fo 12 £ or if you want to get the super-high-quality one, buy a Pranamat. The effect is the same.

For me, it worked like magic after the 20 minutes. I tried to adjust the pillow and my position to rest the most tensed areas on the little thorns. It literally blew my mind. I went back to bed immediately and woke up later without a headache.

On the manual, it says that standing on it barefoot 5-15 minutes can also be effective against headaches. I haven’t tried this one.

I hope this helped you. Make sure to leave a comment what are the methods you’ve tried to alleviate your headache or migraine.

Have a pain-free day! :)


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