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Are you really fat?

Part 1.


I hope you are having a great day. It's a great day to be a great day, and it's even better to get leaner and healthier.

When it comes to the word 'weight' most of the people's first association is being fat or losing weight...but is it true?

Is your weight mean fat? What is the proof that the number on the scale means that you are fat...or not fat?

As you can see, this doesn't sound as simple as most of the people think. The truth is, your weight is just a number and it can't really describe what's going on in your body.

All your internal organs have their own weight...and your bones...then fat...muscle...water...

When you gain weight or lose weight, these 3 factors can change, water, muscle, and fat.

Today I only want to talk about water weight. This is the easiest way to look slimmer and get lighter.

Excess water in your body can look like fat. Don't get me wrong, you NEED water for survival, yet, certain things can have an influence on how much water you have in your body.

A small amount of excess water is harmless, it's good. Yet, when you have so much water in your body that it makes you swollen, that's already a problem.

1. How much water you drink

2. How much salt you eat

3. Your hormonal balance

4. Kidney function

5. Certain foods can increase water retention

6. Diuretic foods

1. How much water you drink

The first point is kind of an obvious, the more water you drink, the more water you can have in your body. On the other hand, this can be tricky because when you don't drink enough water, you can actually program your body to retent water.

Drink at least 2.5-3 liters of water (preferably purified) daily.

2. How much salt you eat

Sodium increases water retention. The more salt you eat, the more water you will retain. That can make you look fat.

Try to reduce your sodium intake, use more natural spices that don't contain salt, celery powder is also incredible as a replacement for table salt. Eat more of the natural salts like Himalayan salt, they have more balanced nutrition. You can also try the salt, which is made for the people with hypertension, That usually contains 30% potassium chloride, which tastes very similar to sodium chloride, in addition, it has a mild diuretic effect. Don't consume artificial potassium chloride on its own, it can cause heart problems.

3. Hormonal balance

Hormones have an influence on water retention. Vasopressin is responsible for your general water balance in the body.

Excess estrogen makes you retent water around your waist and thighs.

Reduce soy intake, in my experience and some other people experienced it, too, soy can be harmful to the hormonal system. Dairy products are high in certain hormones and they can cause hormonal imbalances, try to eliminate them from your diet. If you are a woman drink hormone balancing teas like Lady's mantle and Yarrow.

Flaxseeds can help you to get rid of excess estrogen as well.

4. Kidney function

If you have a problem with your kidneys, of course, you will struggle with extra water weight. Detoxing the kidneys can be very beneficial in this case. I will write about that in the future. Make sure to sweat more, that can take some burden off of your kidneys.

5. Foods, that increase water retention

These are mainly carbohydrates, on the other hand, they are necessary for your energy levels. It's not a big deal, just sweat a little more.

6. Diuretic foods

Certain foods have a diuretic effect, which helps you to get rid of excess water. These are green tea, bananas, oats, coffee, cucumbers, cranberry, watermelon, celery, ginger, lemons, carrots, etc...

Most of the raw fruits and vegetables have a diuretic effect.

If you'd like to know more about weight loss, here's a free, almost an hour-long video about it:

Hope you enjoy it!

Have a nice day! :)

Lilla <3

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