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Acne story and update

Hey, guys!

Here’s my acne story and update what I’ve been doing in the last months to get rid of pimples.

I’d never had acne problems until at the end of 2014, due to many factors, acne started to appear on my face rapidly and within 6 months, my face was covered with tiny bumps, almost every single pore was clogged and contained a blackhead. It was a painful process to get rid of them and they came back within a month…I suffered from excess sebum production…and whatever I did, it didn’t help…

Thank goodness, after 2 years of massive research I gathered most of the information about acne and how to beat it forever. I published all the collected information in my eBook: Unusual tips to beat acne. You can buy it on Amazon. Trust me, I’m a pharmacist.


I’ve talked about this topic in the previous video, if you want to watch it, click here. Briefly, DHT may be the main cause of acne in males and females. I’ve been drinking more green tea and made a green tea spray, which I use every day after I washed my face and every time it comes to my mind.

It hydrates my skin and blocks DHT.

I also like to add spirulina to my smoothies and sometimes I make a spirulina face mask.

Balancing female hormones

I drink teas that can balance my hormones. Lady’s mantle combined with yarrow. I usually drink that once a week but it’s very strong, I usually make a liter of tea with 1 tablespoon of lady’s mantle and 1 tablespoon of yarrow. I drink that tea throughout the day.

Milk thistle

This herb has amazing benefits on cleansing the liver. Your liver is crucial to keep your hormones in balance. I also noticed that it helps me to shed fat much faster and I have more energy as well. It’s also bitter, which boosts stomach acid production.

I usually eat a tablespoon of ground milk thistle seeds daily. You can buy it as a supplement as well.

Cleansing my face after my workouts

I use my natural face wash and an electric toothbrush, you can use a face cleansing brush… You can watch the video about how I make my face wash, here.

Cleansing your face after your workouts is crucial. In my opinion, it not only helps to get rid of the sweat and the junk, which can stick to your face during training but your pores open when your body’s temperature is increasing, so you can also get rid of blackheads slowly.

ACV and lemon juice

I drink ACV and lemon juice after meals to improve digestion. Bad digestion is linked to acne.


I’ve been taking Zinc as a supplement, you can increase your daily intake up to 50-70 mg…


I’ve increased my whole fat intake, I eat more avocados, walnuts, flaxseeds, which are high in omega-3 and other healthy fatty acids.

Avoid dry skin

Dry skin can lead to excess sebum production. Moisturize.

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