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Prebiotic Vegan Horchata Latte

If you asked me about my weak points, well, I'd say latte was definitely one of them... :D

However, I don't drink coffee, I've found a way to still enjoy my beloved drink and this recipe has won hands down so far. Viva la milky coffee!


1 cup of ground rice

3 cups of filtered water

2 tablespoons of carob powder

2 tablespoons of chicory coffee

1 tablespoon of cacao/cocoa powder

1 bar of dark chocolate

3 pitted dates

1 teaspoon of cinnamon

pinch of salt

Mix the ingredients together in a bigger bowl or pitcher and let them sit overnight in the fridge.

Put the mixture in a blender and blend until smooth.

Strain your latte.

Add some extra sweetener if needed. Serve cold.


Link to the original recipe:

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