Recipes for the 1-week hormonal acne diet
Recipes for the 1-week hormonal acne diet Breakfast: Cleansing banana smoothie Ingredients: 3-4 bananas 0.5 l water 1/2 cup of oats 2 tsp...
The reason keto can actually ruin your weight loss
The reason keto can actually ruin your weight loss I was 14 when I first heard about the Atkins diet on TV. I loved meat and didn't...
Natural ways to relieve pain - herbs and methods
Natural ways to relieve pain - herbs and methods Before you start reading this post, make sure to check out the previous one on this...
Natural ways to relieve pain - causes
Natural ways to relieve pain - causes If you are kind of a person, who lives on painkillers, I would highly recommend you trying these...
Diatomaceous earth - the unknown health-booster
Diatomaceous earth - the unknown health-booster A few years ago, living in Hungary sucked for me because I couldn't get the newest health...
Do you actually need a cleanse? Part 2 Colon
Do you actually need a cleanse? Part 2 Colon Have you ever suffered from gas, bloating, or IBS? Even if you haven't, colon cleanse is...
Turmeric can be more effective than 14 drugs
Is it more than a spice? Have you heard about that turmeric can be more effective than 14 drugs at treating certain diseases? If you...