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The reason keto can actually ruin your weight loss

The reason keto can actually ruin your weight loss

I was 14 when I first heard about the Atkins diet on TV. I loved meat and didn't really like anything else, so it seemed like a comfortable solution for me to lose weight. After 4 years, I started to realize that it wasn't the best option.

I was weak, had no energy, moody, anxious, had tantrums, bad digestion. I restricted my calories as much as I could. There are some fundamental problems with the Atkins diet, and it has earned some bad reputation over the years. When I first heard about keto, my first thought was that it could be something very similar. And it is.

The keto diet is actually even stricter than the Atkins, still, so many people swear by it. The misleading factor is that it works for a short period of time.

The picture hadn't come together in my mind until recently. Keto was first developed for treating people with epilepsy. Unfortunately, one of my friends has this disease and they have tried a lot of things to manage it naturally. Recently, they've started trying keto, and he got better. On the other hand, it's not easy to do vegan or vegetarian keto because you massively decrease your options. They are vegetarians and it's not fun.

My Dad is a pharmacist and he is very into healthy diets. He said that keto is not good because it causes acidosis in long term.

Diabetic people, who have problems with their carbohydrate metabolism, have ketones in their blood. In bad conditions, it can come to ketoacidosis, which can develop into a coma.

Ketoacidosis occurs when the high levels of ketone bodies cause metabolic acidosis.

So what's the problem with acidosis?

Acidosis is the cradle of lifestyle-related diseases, as well as weight gain. Your fat cells contain toxins and those have acidic nature. To get rid of them, the body needs to neutralize them. How? With alkalizing. If your body is acidic, you have hard time losing weight.

Let me share with you a story. When my Dad had cancer, he took baking soda for some time and he started losing weight. Baking soda is one of the quickest ways to alkalize your body. In that time, I was struggling with weight, too, and I tried it. Alkalizing helped me to lose weight, as well as to manage my excessive sweating. If you optimize your blood pH, weight loss can become much easier. On the other hand, you have to combine this with a good diet and exercise routine.

Back to keto, you actually need carbs to burn fat optimally. Keto is a short-term solution. If you want to lose weight and keep it off, it's important to have a SUSTAINABLE diet, correct your hormonal balance, support your liver function, and you are going to lose weight without trying hard.

Another factor: when you are consuming high amounts of animal fat, as I've mentioned before, we keep out toxins in the fat cells, you are basically consuming their rubbish bin, adding an extra toxin load to your body.

Side note: I don't hate anyone but I had to make this statement about keto because it's important.

Have you tried keto? Leave a comment below!

Have a blessed day! <3


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