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Beat Acne Forever: Green Tea

Hey, guys!

I've read in many places that green tea could successfully eliminate acne...For me, as a pharmacist, to know the reason why something works or not is crucial. Trying out strange methods just because somebody said it could work can not only waste your time but it can be harmful.

Let me share you one of my stories that doesn't necessarily relate to acne, still, it was a good lesson for me.In 2011 I watched a video how to remineralize your teeth. I didn't have any teeth problems but I had a few tiny holes in them, which weren't black or something...The woman advised swapping commercial toothpaste to a natural one...glycerine and baking soda...

Within 2 months, my teeth health decreased a lot. They became sensitive and fragile.I was crying...and I had no idea what to do...Glycerine is one of the worst things you can put on your teeth. It coats them and prevents them to absorb minerals from the saliva...therefore, glycerine ruins addition, baking soda will scrub off the enamel...


It took a lot of time until I've found some other methods, which worked, and this stupidity ended up with losing one of my teeth.So, using natural methods just because they're natural it doesn't mean that they won't have any side effects.That's why my main goal is to bring you methods that really WORK, and most of them are scientifically proven.

Excess animal products increase mTOR activity,mTOR activity and acne are related for it can cause overactive sebaceous glands.You can find the study here:

DHT can increase excess sebum production, too.

Thank goodness, green tea contains elements that solve both cases.

Green tea is a powerful mTORC1 and DHT inhibitor.

You can learn more about DHT here:

Using green tea externally and internally will decrease sebum production.

In addition, this tea has way more benefits, it contains high amounts of antioxidants, theanine, and many other useful chemicals.

If you're interested in beating acne forever, buy my eBook on Amazon.

Choose the Book menu on the top of the page and then click the Buy it button.

Green Tea drink

1 inch ginger sliced

1 bag of green tea

1 teaspoon of spearmint tea


Lemon juice

Boil a cup of water, add the herbs, and let them sit for 10-15 minutes.

When it cooled down add the sweetener and the lemon juice.


Ginger boosts collagen production, the spearmint and the green tea has DHT blocking effect.

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