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4 secrets how to attract more abundance to your life

4 secrets how to attract more abundance to your life

Want to achieve the life that you’ve always dreamed of? Do you want to see more abundance, love, fun, happiness, blessings everywhere? You are not alone, me, too. I used to think that my dream life wasn’t attainable for me and I put most of my dreams to the back-burner. At the beginning of my twenties, I was so focused on my rational mind. I totally eliminated passion from my life. I felt miserable. I chose a university I didn’t like. I was close to choosing guys I didn’t even like. I looked at life as a series of necessary sacrifices and zero fun.

I was sure that the things I wanted weren’t attainable for me. Also, as I’m coming from a Christian background, I struggled with thoughts like ‘Is this something God actually wants or is it just my sinful nature?’. Every day of my life, I was sinking in doubt that whatever I was doing was right or not.

Fast forward today, I feel thankful to have the life that many people can only dream about. I live in a big and expensive city, which seemed totally impossible 3 years ago. I have the cutest dog in the world, however, she wasn’t even for sale but I knew it was love at first sight. I am thankful to have the body I’ve always dreamed about. I feel blessed that I don’t have acne anymore and frequently get compliments about how my skin looks.

Don’t get me wrong, my life is nearly not perfect but I know, I’m on my way to my bigger dreams. Especially recently, I feel like that my wildest dreams are attainable (getting the sports car of my dreams :D ). Well, I still don’t know how it is going to happen, yet, I feel that it is for me. I feel that it is possible. Even one year ago, I wouldn’t even dare to dream about it.

1. Dare to dream and be honest with yourself

Very often we try to adjust our dreams to our current circumstances. Being rational is not a bad thing but it’s important that when you feel that something is your calling, lean into that no matter what. Listen to your intuition. Meditate. Journal. Get honest about what you want. Don’t think about the outside factors ‘Am I allowed to want this?’ ‘Is it actually possible?’. Let yourself dream big.

2. Be unapologetic and go all-in - don’t listen to your excuses

Every time I made bad decisions in life was because I didn’t listen to my intuition. If you are guided somewhere and you really want it. Be unapologetic. Don’t give up until you’ve achieved it. When you have this mindset that you will stick to something no matter what, you open yourself for solutions. If you doubt yourself, you won’t look for the solution everywhere. You will give up. The solution you are longing for is out there. Don’t give up until you’ve found it.

3. Visualize

Visualize the future you are dreaming about. Visualize the person you want to become or need to become to have the future you desire. When you see the goals you are working for, it will keep you motivated. When you don’t see your goals clearly, you will quickly forget what you are working for and sources of instant gratification will become irresistibly tempting.

4. Surrender

Finally, surrender to the Divine plan. When you have the right mindset you have to be flexible. You have to stay out of the hows. What’s meant for you will not pass by you. It will be yours. Surrendering is basically surrendering all the stress and trying to figure out every small detail how things should happen. Pray and stay open. God wants you the BEST.

In this post you’ve learned how you should let yourself dream big and be unapologetic about it, visualize, and surrender to God. Tell me more about the times when you’ve achieved something miraculous in your life and how it happened!

Going after your dreams is tricky and it’s easy to get stuck. Check out my free training so you can step into the BEST version of yourself and find the life you’ve always dreamed of.


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