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5 biggest weight loss mistakes you might be making

5 biggest weight loss mistakes you might be making

If you are tired of temporary weight loss methods that will never keep you fit and lean here me out. In this post I’m going to uncover the 5 biggest weight loss mistakes people make, so you don’t have to waste your time with them and finally focus on the things that actually WORK. Have you tried everything in terms of dieting and exercise and nothing seemed to work? Have you lost weight and now you are struggling to maintain it? Would you like to have a fun lifestyle and still stay fit no matter what? This was me, 10 years ago...even 5 years ago.

10 years ago I was running 6-9km a day and hardly ate anything. I felt weak, sometimes I almost fainted during my workouts. I did all these just to finally lose the weight and look the way I wanted. To look skinny. I wanted to get skinnier. I wasn’t fat at all. I was rather thin. But I didn’t look as skinny as a supermodel.

I surely ate less than 1000 calories 5 times a week. I only ate more during the weekend. I was hungry, moody, anxious, desperate. I started to realize that how I was doing things wasn’t sustainable. I already knew that if I didn’t exercise 2 hours a day and eat barely anything, I would gain weight instantly. I felt so desperate because I did everything I knew...and still couldn’t live a normal life and have what I was longing for. I felt like I was cursed by my genetics. Other girls could eat normally and still stay lean. They didn’t even care about eating healthily. They just ate whatever they wanted. They didn’t exercise a lot. Life didn’t seem to be fair with me.

Fast forward to nowadays, I eat whatever I want. As much as I feel like. I don’t feel guilty if I eat half of a family XXL pizza from time to time when we are going out with my girlfriends. Actually, as I’ve been living like this, eating all the time kinda became boring to me. I can find it hard to catch up with the needs of my metabolism. I lose weight even if I don’t try. I don’t have to prepare for summer because I look great year-around. And I feel incredibly grateful for that.

It’s been a long journey but it was totally worth it. Along the way, I’ve realized some things that have fundamentally changed how I see weight loss and how I approach my diet and exercise routine.

Here are some of the biggest mistakes people make when they want to lose weight:

1. Not eating enough

This is more relevant to women, who want to get skinny. Maybe you’ve tried low-calorie diets like 1200, 800, or even a 600 calorie diet. Having a big calorie deficit will not only drive you mad but it will also put your body into a starvation mode.

In case of fasting, your body doesn’t live on fat on the first 7 days. It uses up your muscles, which consume the most calories.

Not eating enough will also decrease your willpower, so most likely you’ll end up binging like crazy sooner or later. Focus on whole foods and eat at least 1600-2000 calories a day...but most probably, you should eat up to 2500, especially if you exercise on a regular basis.

2. Choosing the wrong type exercise

When it comes to weight loss and exercise, most people will think about cardio. However, cardio is great but doing too much cardio (more than 1h on a regular basis) will increase your cortisol levels. Cortisol will make you gain fat (especially on your stomach) and lose muscle.

Muscle building can improve your metabolic rate and help you to shed fat when it’s combined with the right exercise routine.

3. Not paying attention to your recovery

Recovery is just as important as working out. Actually, if your recovery is bad, you won’t be able to reap all the benefits of working out. Your results will come REALLY slow and your body will have to deal with increased cortisol. Going to sleep in time and sleeping enough, at least 7-9 hours a day is essential for weight loss and overall well-being.

4. You don’t pay attention to underlying factors

Even if you eat the right foods, exercise, and seemingly do everything you can, there is a big area, which is not covered by most of the weight loss and fitness coaches. Hormones, nutritional deficiencies can totally hinder all the results you are longing for. Actually, this was the reason I couldn’t lose weight for YEARS. When I discovered all the hidden factors and started focusing on the right things, my weight loss has become easy and effortless.

This is a long and complex topic, if you would like to learn more about it, check out my FREE training here.

5. You are trying to lean on your willpower instead of building healthy habits

You might think about using your willpower for good things as the most noble action you can take. We connect willpower to success and high productivity. However, willpower can provide you short-term results, what will really make a difference in your life is BUILDING healthy habits that support the lifestyle you want to achieve.

Strong habits stay and they require only a little willpower, it’s rather like an automation for your weight loss journey. After a while, you won’t even think about it, you will naturally do the right things.

Losing weight is tricky and it’s easy to get stuck. Check out my free training so you can finally know about the methods that actually WORK and will help you to lose weight and get fit while having fun and not having to starve yourself! See you there!


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