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5 mindset hacks that will keep you on track and keep you in shape

5 mindset hacks that will keep you on track and keep you in shape

5 mindset hacks that will keep you on track and keep you in shape

Do you know what sets apart the people, who achieve anything they desire and the people, who only dream about their results but never actually get them? Their mindset and their actions. Even in business, yes, strategies are nice and useful but if you have a negative mindset, you can have all the best tools in the world, you will still not be able to succeed. The same is true for weight loss. You can have the best coaches around you, the healthiest foods, the coolest gym. Nothing matters, unless you are determined to take action and to keep going.

Many people told me that their biggest problem is to stay consistent. You are maybe one of them. Yes, when you want solid results, consistency is key. But you cannot achieve consistency without the right mindset. In this article, I’ll teach you how to cultivate the BEST mindset that will keep you confident and empowered...and even more, it will help you to stay consistent.

Here are some mindset hacks that will keep you consistent:

1. Do it for the right reason - DO IT FOR YOU!

This is the biggest and most important factor. In the realms of self-development you will hear it from everyone ‘Focus on your WHY!’. If your why is strong enough, you won’t give up until you see the desired results. Now, the problem is that often, people’s why is ‘I should lose weight, so guys/girls would like me’, ‘My family told me I should lose weight’, ‘Doctors say that being overweight is not healthy, I should lose weight’. However, it’s nice to do for all those reasons but unless you have a strong INNER conviction, you will never be able to achieve it.

You have to WANT it. You have to do it for yourself. Not because you hate yourself like this but because you deserve the BEST. The best body, the best health, and the best partner. As long as you operate from the ‘should’ you will never be able to achieve remarkable results.

2. Baby steps

Another mistake that people who fail at weight loss make is that they want to do everything at once. They have been sitting on the couch eating chips for years and suddenly, they want to start eating healthy, go to the gym, eat less, meal prep, revolutionize their dog’s diet plan, too, and change careers if possible.

OK, mainly it’s only the first 2-4 things. The problem is that you want to focus on too many things at the same time and also you want to be perfect right from the beginning. Then, when you fail, which will inevitably happen, you feel like a failure, sink in shame, go back to your old couch, eat a whole tube of ice cream to numb your sadness, and never try again.

Focus on one step at a time. I know that slow progress doesn’t sound as sexy as losing 30 pounds in one month, yet, slow progress will give you sexy and sustainable long term results.

Try to change one thing at the beginning. Be unapologetic about it. Don’t listen to excuses. Start with making one healthy meal per week and add one more every week. Start with working out for 15-20 minutes 5 times a week. Start with drinking more water. If you're good with one, add the second...and don’t get down on yourself when you fail. Failure is a part of your process, it’s totally okay. You should fail from time to time...because you are are doing things you haven’t done before.

3. Cultivate a habit instead of leaning on your willpower

Another factor why people fail at weight loss is that they want to toughen everything out. They won’t eat all day because they have a strong willpower. They might succeed for a few days but this effort will most likely end up with having a binge-fest on the weekend. I cannot emphasize this enough. CULTIVATE HEALTHY HABITS.

Habits are automations. Yes, you need to use your willpower at the beginning but later, it will become completely natural and it won’t require a lot of willpower anymore. For example, I exercise 6 times a week. I’ve been doing this for 10 years...and if I try to skip, the habit is already so strong that usually, no matter the circumstances...I will eventually end up doing a workout. Even if it’s a short one.

Honestly, nowadays, I rather have to use my willpower to NOT workout for a day. I wasn’t always like this. When it comes to habit building, you need to repeat it for 3 weeks, if you manage to stay on track for 3 weeks, it will be much easier from then. Also, during that 21 days, make sure to do it all costs. Even if it’s for 5 minutes, do your workout. Or have that one healthy meal.

4. Celebrate small wins

When you are going by baby steps, make sure to celebrate and pat yourself on your back for every small win. Every healthy meal. Every time you go to the gym. Acknowledge that you are awesome and you can totally do this. This might sound like something unnecessary but there is actually a science behind this. Dopamine, which is the rewarding hormone, will make you want to do things more. That’s why you want to watch TV, watching TV produces dopamine and you want to get back to it.

So reward yourself, if you go to the gym, allow yourself to watch your favorite show in the evening...but instantly, give yourself acknowledgement. Your mind registers it and it will remember that this activity is praised and should be continued.

5. Visualize

Losing weight is not exactly just going to the gym or eating healthily from time to time. If you really want to get lean and fit, you have to BECOME a person who is lean and fit. What do those people do? What are their daily habits? If you see the person you want to become, it’s so much easier to achieve the results that person has. Take 5-10 minutes every day in the morning and visualize the version of you, who has your dream body and has achieved all the goals you desire. Embody it. The best habits come from an identity change.

By reading this post you’ve learned that when you do things for yourself, focus on baby steps and cultivating healthy habits, celebrate your small wins and visualize who you want to become will be a game-changer in your weight loss. Let me know in the comments, what are your biggest mindset or lifestyle blocks when it comes to weight loss?

Losing weight is tricky and it’s easy to get stuck. Check out my free training so you can finally know about the methods that actually WORK and will help you to lose weight and get fit while having fun and not having to starve yourself! See you there!


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