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5 reasons your hormones can ruin your mood

5 reasons your hormones can ruin your mood

Hormones...the little creatures that make you cry before your period. Well, they do that to me for sure even though I don’t like to admit it.

I didn’t believe in the importance of hormonal balance until I started experimenting with balancing my hormones. My main goal was to get rid of acne and lose weight but I noticed a lot of other benefits as well. I am 100% convinced, if I want to stay happy and productive in my life, I have to take care of my hormones. I’ve experienced that mood swings disappeared, I just suddenly felt happier out of the blue, etc…

So, here are 5 reasons your hormones can ruin your mood, and also, they can elevate it if you treat your little creatures right. :D

1. Hormonal feelings exist

Yes, they do. It’s not a myth. Your hormones can make you feel cranky before your period and you’ve probably experienced it not once. A few days before my period, I can get into a catastrophizing mood. Nothing goes right, the world is going to end. Sometimes I’m not aware that my period is right and I take myself seriously. Other times, I just say to myself: Lilla, your period is near. What you feel is not real, you are exaggerating the negative stuff.

2. Your hormones influence your energy levels

Hormonal imbalances negatively affect your energy levels. Estrogen dominance is huge from this aspect. I’m very sensitive to soy, even though I like it. Soy contains a lot of estrogen. Usually, the only time I eat soy products is during my period because, at that time, you actually need extra hormones including estrogen.

If I consume too much soy, I can instantly feel it in my mood and energy levels. I can feel tired for no reason. It’s interesting because after your period, your estrogen rises, and that creates more energy for you in the first half of your period. On the other hand, having constantly elevated estrogen levels is not good and rather than making you energetic, it will make you feel tired.

When I increase my progesterone levels, I always feel much better and more energetic. When it comes to hormonal balance, it’s more about having the right ratio than having a certain amount of each hormone. So if your estrogen is high, you can balance it out by either eliminating estrogen, or increasing your progesterone levels.

3. Hormonal imbalances can make your feel depressed

One of the signs of hormonal imbalances can be depression. If you feel depressed for no reason, try balancing your hormones by drinking hormonal teas and having the right diet. If you want to learn more about harmonizing your diet with your cycle, I highly recommend the book ‘In the FLO’ by Alisa Vitti.

4. Hormones have a massive impact on your mental clarity and performance

Another aspect. I’ve experienced this many many times. When my hormones are out of whack, I have difficulties focusing. My mind can be slow and scattered. I cannot focus on what I’m doing, my willpower can be weak as well.

5 .Hormonal imbalances increase your stress levels

Another symptom I can feel when my hormones are out of balance is that I can get VERY easily annoyed and stressed out. If you feel like this, check out my other articles on how to balance your hormones.

To learn more, check out some recipes or other topics related to hormonal balance

5 easy ways to balance your hormones for a glowing and gorgeous skin

5 reasons hormones can make your hair fall out...or grow back

Videos abput how to balance your hormones:


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