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Do you actually need a cleanse? Part 1.

Do you actually need a cleanse?

Well, if I'm completely honest with you and don't try to make the situation nicer, most of the cleanses you will hear on the media are ineffective.

And probably this is how you feel about them? Topics made out of clouds to hit the wind you've never seen. Colon cleanse, liver cleanse, blah, blah, blah. "Drink this detox tea and you will lose weight!" "Get this supplement to lose 10 pounds!"

I won't sugarcoat this, statements like these are BS. They are only there for you to buy the stuff, you will lose some weight then gain it back very quickly and live your miserable life just like before.

The cleanses I will talk about actually work and they have health benefits. Even if you want to lose weight doing something like that can be beneficial for you BUT it has to be a conscious effort, not like drinking some kinda tea you saw on Instagram and you know nothing about the ingredients, which are naturally "fat-burning". Well, they can be as long as you laugh at them because laughter burns calories...

Let me share with you my story! I used to suffer from excessive sweating at age 19-25. It was a nightmare. I literally got hot flushes and could sweat in the dead of winter while feeling super cold. It was so bad that I tried everything. I tried the toughest antiperspirants, which stopped working after 6 months and made me sweat even more in other places like my back.

I made a profound research about it, it was said that it could be caused by liver toxicity. I did an aggressive liver cleanse but it wasn't successful.

I felt desperate. Then, after 1 year, the situation got even worse, I started suffering from acne. Very bad acne. I also had some massive sleeping problems, which I had never had before. This made me even more desperate to find a solution.

According to my knowledge back then, everything boiled down to a few things, toxic liver, hormonal imbalances, and overall toxicity in the body.

As I've started focusing on these things, my skin got clearer and wonder of wonders, the sweating got much better.

Then I was invited as a speaker in a local juice fasting camp. 3 times already.

As a pharmacist, I had the authority to talk about these things and I could also learn about them and see the results.

In the camp, we focused on 3 things, bowel cleanse, kidney cleanse, and liver cleanse.

And before you'd leave because you think you are not doing a juice fast, just bear with me for a minute because these can be applied without doing anything too aggressive and with teas and regular foods.

BUT do you actually need it? You probably do. Our environment is full of strange chemicals for the body and it's difficult to eliminate them. Also, the air we breathe, the water and other liquids we drink, the food we eat, all go through your liver.

And out livers are overtaxed. Big time. The liver is also responsible for at least 50 biological processes in the body. If it's not working properly, you can experience weight gain, fatigue, lack of recovery, mood swings, hormonal imbalances, and lot of other issues.

The colon and the intestines also play a key factor in health because their purpose is to eliminate waste. All of it. On the other hand, if you eat a diet low on fiber, high in fast food and other unhealthy foods, the waste can accumulate in the bowels, causing bloating, gas, constipation, diarrhea, it's a good place for parasites as well.

Also, if you start cleansing your liver, it will flush out the toxins in the intestines and if they are unable to get rid of it, it will get reabsorbed, so you are basically running in circles.

Okay, so I'm gonna finish this here and start a new post about the colon cleanse. Check it out on this link.

Have you ever done a cleanse? Let me know in the comments!

Have a blessed day! <3


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