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Healthy vegan crepes + nutella recipe

Healthy vegan crepes + nutella recipe

Crepes are traditional Hungarian pancakes. And Serbian. And Bulgarian ones. In Eastern Europe most people don't even do American-style pancakes. Crepes can be trickier and also, you have to have a solid vegan egg substitute if you want to make vegan crepes.

My Mom likes to use ground flaxseeds soaked in water "flax eggs". However that's already a great alternative, I don't find flaxseeds easy to get here in the UK supermarkets. Or maybe I'm looking for them in the wrong place. Who knows? XD

For a long time, I thought about crepes as something I didn't want to do here because either I needed to use eggs...or it would be a lot of mess. Once, I suddenly decided to still try it and I was astonished by the results. I like thicker crepes anyways. If you want to get very thin ones, you will have to use way more oil than I do. Actually, if I make thick crepes, I can use oil once, for the first one and I can easily cook the rest of the batch without oil in a non-stick pan.

So, you are probably curious about my magical ingredients. Here they are:


200 g of flour

1/2l plant milk

1 ripe banana (the riper the better)

1 tbsp peanut butter

1/2 tsp baking soda

1/2 tsp salt

Blend the plant milk with the banana and peanut butter.

Mix the flour, baking soda, and salt in a bowl.

Pour the wet ingredients slowly on the top of the dry ones while mixing with a whisk.

Mix it evenly.

Oil a pan and wait until it gets hot.

Pour from the crepe batter.

Cook it on medium heat for a few minutes.


Cook for 1 more minute.


And here's the extra vegan Nutella recipe:

200g roasted hazelnuts

10 pitted dates

2 tbsp coconut cream

1-2 tbsp cocoa powder

1 tbsp coconut oil


Pinch of salt

In a food processor, process the hazelnuts, salt, and the cocoa powder.

Add the dates, then process it for a little more.

Add the rest of the ingredients.


These healthy recipes are great to keep yourself lean, however, losing weight is tricky and it’s easy to get stuck. Check out my free training so you can finally know about the methods that actually WORK and will help you to lose weight and get fit while having fun and not having to starve yourself! See you there!


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