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How to beat depression

How to beat depression

You've probably met my old not-friend, depression. Actually, it can be your friend, I'm gonna explain it later.

Depression can ruin your life. It makes you said, unhappy, waste your time with worrying and not enjoying your life. To be honest, I think I had lived most of my life in and out of depression until I was 28 and decided to take control of my life.

Even as a kid, I can't say I had a super happy childhood. Some people miss it, I don't.

I hated kindergarten, then I often felt unsafe in primary school even around my friends. Then I had no idea what to do with myself in high school. Then I chose a university that wasn't aligned with my soul's purpose. I think I was the most depressed at the university. I didn't want to get out of bed, I wanted to die many times. I had no purpose.I wasn't living my life the way I imagined. I wasted 7 years there.

But, I don't want to complain. I just want to say, I feel like most of my life, I struggled with depression in some form of another.

In 2018, I started feeling better and I also realized that I can make conscious efforts to get rid of it. I read books about emotional healing and self-improvement. One of the books that have fundamentally changed my life was Radical Honesty by Brad Blanton. My grandma's sister died of cancer in January 2019, I was deeply depressed in that period, mainly from November 2018 to March 2019.

I don't exactly remember which book mentioned it, I think it was Radical honesty, that depression is actually suppressed anger. Yes, you heard it right. This was 100% in my case. I often felt helpless and that my hands were tied, and that made me really angry.

I started journaling and it changed the game for me. But let's push a fast-forward button to nowadays. I started feeling depressed for multiple reasons. It's VERY hard to start a business and I still can't say that I am financially secure. Also, if the weather is bad, it just freaks me out long term. I LOVE the sunshine. Winter can definitely make me feel low.

I've been also stressing about my relationships. And I suddenly felt overwhelmed.

I started getting down on myself. "I'm 30 years old, have no secure job or income, I don't have a caring partner, who is with me and is aligned with my goals, I don't have kids, etc.." I felt like I had nothing.

Just the regular BS that haunts everybody, you don't match up with the society's standards, you are a failure.

I bet everybody deals with this crap because nobody is perfect and they slip off in one area or another. It's OK. Nobody has everything together.

Side note: I like to share with you my struggles because I love to be brutally honest, also, being vulnerable helps others to get to that level as well. It's important. Honesty is a form of love and you can't be happy without it.

So, I felt unloved and confused again. Another hardship is for me is that my main love language is physical touch but I don't want to get whatever kind of boyfriend to feel more loved. I know what I want. I want a person, who is aligned with my future goals and plans. Who actually challenges me and motivates me to become a better person. I just don't want to sell myself short.

And I'm mentioning these because if you are struggling with your relationships, it's fine. If you want something mediocre, you can go out on the street and get it. But if you want something great or the BEST, it takes time and effort...and a lots of investment. First in yourself.

Mediocre life has always freaked me out. I'm too crazy and adventurous for that.

Back to the depression, and what helped me to get rid of it:

1. Exercise

I can often feel low when I don't train my butt off. Exercise boosts your internal endorphin levels. Just go out and run for 40 minutes or an hour, or go to the gym and challenge yourself. I'm sure you will feel much better.

2. Rest

If exercise doesn't work, and you are way too exhausted, going to bed at 9-10 pm and having a beautiful long sleep can work wonders.

3. Love

Self-love and I'm not talking about self-care and buying things for yourself. I'm talking about profoundly loving and accepting yourself for everything you are and aren't. In this case, faith can help a lot, because knowing that God loves you more than you can imagine can be the foundation.

Let's face it, the reason that you feel unloved can be mostly because you get down on yourself that you can't perform perfectly. It's fine. You are amazing just the way you are. Work on yourself and you will attract better and more aligned people.

4. Chocolate

This is a tricky one. Chocolate on the short-term, makes me feel much better. Especially if I eat a lots of chocolate. On the other hand, if I do this every day, it can have a rebound effect after two weeks. Briefly, chocolate addiction is not the best when it comes to depression. It's amazing to help you have a clear mind and start thinking differently, but don't rely on it.

Unfortunately, chocolate won't solve all of your problems.

5. Positive people

Many people are not aware of their inner circle. Your partner, family, friends, all have a HUGE impact on you. You have to choose the people around you wisely. Spend time with people, who lift you up and make you feel better. It's even better to spend time with people, who are stronger and more successful than you.

My personal experience is. I LOVE my parents and I know that spending time with them is super important. But I also know that spending too much time with them is actually harmful to me because they are often worried and fearful, while I want to get rid of these traits.

Also, don't spend time with those people, who are telling you that your dreams are not possible. Everything is possible. Especially with GOD. Don't let anyone else convince you that you are not good enough to reach your goals.

6. Acknowledge that life is hard

If I'm struggling but I struggle because I'm working on the future I want to have, accepting the fact that what I want is difficult to achieve is a huge relief. We can very often fall into the mistake expecting life to be easy. It's not easy. There are hardships, heartbreaks, enemies, rejections, etc...but know that every negativity and hardship can lead to something better if you learn your lessons and conquer it.

7. Nutrition

Vitamin D, omega-3s, green leafy veggies are great aids to improve your current condition.

Also. make sure to eat enough. In my case, lack of calories end up with lack of strength and willpower, as well as bad mood. Don't be hangry...

8. Talk to a friend, or even better, a professional about this topic

If you struggle with depression, you are not the only one. There are many people, who got through it and can provide you with quality information. Don't be ashamed, you are not weak. Just the opposite, you are trying to be strong and beating it will make you even stronger.

I hope this was helpful! <3

Have a blessed day! <3


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