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How to get rid of stretch marks part 3 - cosmetic ingredients

How to get rid of stretch marks part 3 - cosmetic ingredients

Probably I'm not the only one, who would like to find the magical formula, which would get rid of ALL of my skin imperfections. If there's a formula, then it's VERY complex. Nothing is impossible but you have to see the problem from multiple aspects.

If you haven't read the previous two posts about this topic, make sure to check them out.

You can find the first part here and the second part here.

Cosmetic ingredients. There's a LONG list with all the beneficial substances and you don't have all day. Let's get into it!

1. Vitamin C

Vitamin C can help brighten the skin, also increases collagen production, and protects the skin from free radicals.

2. MSM

In the previous blog post, I've written about this in depth. Sulfur is important. I used to suffer from acne and when I learned that MSM cream could help you get rid of acne scars, I was obsessed. I've been using MSM on my skin for 1.5 years. It's AMAZING.

3. Licorice extract

It contains high amounts of antioxidants, liquirtin and isoliquertin. Brightens the skin and also protects it from free radicals.

4. Gotu kola extract

According to a 2013 study, Gotu kola can reduce stretch marks, it perhaps boosts collagen production. You can find the study here. It also promotes scar healing.

5. Witch hazel

Witch hazel is an adstringent, it helps to tighten the skin. From enlargened pores to stretch marks, it can be very useful.

6. Vitamin E

Increases skin elasticity and reduces the appearance of the stretch marks.

7. Vitamin A

Helps skin cell recover, rejuvenate, and rebuild collagen. For acne scars, it has been used for a long time with great success.

8. Vitamin D

Just like vitamin A, vitamin D can boost cell recovery and rejuvenation. It can also protect from UV damage.

9. Essential oils

Lavender, patchouli, frankincense are just a few of the many, which can help the skin to fade and restore healthy tissue.

10. Oils

Pomegranate oil, rosehip oil, argan oil, moringa oil, grapeseed oil, etc... are very helpful in this condition as well.

I hope this was helpful!

Have a blessed day! <3


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