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How to lose weight above 30?

How to lose weight above 30?

30. Many people think that this is the end of your ‘I can eat a pizza and still won’t get fat’ years.

Most of the women definitely has major struggles with losing weight. Is this predetermined and impossible to change, or is it a consequence of many factors, which can add up until the year of 30 and continue to get worse through your lifetime?

What about the slim women, who can still eat whatever they want and not get fat?

For example, my Mom. She is 55. She doesn’t care about her calorie intake, still, everybody is jealous of her looks.

I would like to unfold this issue from the other end. Can women have serious weight loss issues UNDER 30? Of course, yes!

I was one of them. I believed that my destiny was to starve myself to death because it felt like whatever I did just didn’t work for me...and there were my friends, who didn’t care about what they ate and how much they ate and still managed to stay lean.

I felt like this wasn’t fair. I was working my butt off to get the body I wanted, still, some other people seemed to reap the fruits without putting in the effort. I was dieting for 10 years. I was overtraining. I did everything I could. I tortured myself. Still, nothing seemed to work.

It’s not fair. I absolutely know how much it is not fair.

In 2013, I was fed up with dieting and started eating normally. I started eating a lot and guess what? I gained tons of weight. Since then, as a pharmacist with a strong physiology background, thank goodness, I was able to discover some factors, which play a HUGE role in weight loss.

Today, I eat more than men and girls are still jealous of how I look. Yes, I definitely put in some effort but I’m doing it in a happy way. It’s not a torture. It feels amazing.

So, what can be the hidden factors for women, who want to lose weight and still can’t no matter how hard they try?

1. Liver

Due to unhealthy diet choices, your liver can get clogged very quickly. Within a few years, you can turn from a fat-burner machine to a fat-storing machine without changing anything else.

Fast food, especially the ones, which contain trans-fats, are the enemy of your liver. Also, many women take contraceptives, which can alter your weight loss as well. Another factor is the toxins, which can be found in your environment. Polluted air, water, pesticides, medicines, food additives, etc.

You are as young as your liver. I would recommend you eating liver cleansing foods often. On a weekly or daily basis.

Foods, that can help you with this are: grapefruits, raw beets, milk thistle, broccoli+mustard seeds (check this link if you would like to learn more), sulfur-containing foods (or you can take an MSM supplement)

2. Hormones

Just like your liver, your hormonal system can get messed up over time. Partially, due to liver issues because when the liver gets clogged, it won’t be able to maintain the healthy hormonal balance.

Also, our environment is full of hormone-like chemicals, known as xenoestrogens. These can be present in plastic, pesticides, water, etc. These molecules mimic the effect of estrogen but they are much harder to eliminate, therefore, most of the women, and even men can suffer from high estrogen levels.

In terms of hormonal balance, what matters the most is the ratio between the hormones. So, thank God, if you have high estrogen, you can normalize your hormonal levels by increasing your progesterone.

There is a very precious tea, which is able to do this for you, it’s called lady’s mantle.

Also, you can find other supplements, which can generally help you with normalizing your hormonal levels: royal jelly, yarrow tea, maca, spirulina, zinc, probiotics.

I would recommend you consuming these a few times a week if you want to achieve the best results. I would also advise you to skip dairy products, which are high in hormones.

3. Acidity

This issue is also related to crappy diets. Acidity is one of the major causes of most of diseases. Your body stores toxins in your fat cells and they have an acidic nature. If your body is acidic, you won’t be able to get rid of the toxins and shrink your fat cells


Alkalizing helps you to neutralize those harmful materials and to get rid of the extra fat.

Breathing deep can help you with alkalizing, as well as certain foods and supplements like: baking soda, green juices, green smoothies, sauerkraut, lemon juice, apple cider vinegar.

Make sure to take baking soda on an empty stomach and wait at least 30 minutes with the eating after you took it. Sodium bicarbonate can neutralize your stomach acid as well and ruin your digestion if you don’t use it properly.

I hope this was helpful. Implement these recommendations to your life and leave a comment if you have any questions or anything to add to this topic!

Have a blessed day! :)


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