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How to stop food cravings

How to stop food cravings

Probably you have struggled with this as well. When you look at chocolate, cakes, fast foods, and you just can't say no. Or even worse, you just think about them and go get some too often.

My Mom often says: I wish we would crave healthy foods, not like Cremeschnitte... :D

She LOVES those but she's already experienced the negative effects of processed sugar.

As a teenager, I had lots of food cravings. Even now, I can get crazy for some unhealthy food sometimes. The good news is, there is hope! And it might not be what you think.

So, I want to mention a few underlying causes of food cravings right now:

Not eating enough

In my experience, one of the greatest factors that play a role in cravings is actually lacking calories. When you are hungry, you can't make good choices. Even worse, when you are starving yourself on a regular basis, you are going to crave crappy, high-calorie, processed stuff because your body is craving energy. The solution for this is to eat lots of whole, healthy foods.

Not consuming enough nutrition

Continuing the previous issue, when you lack certain nutrients, you are going to crave certain things without knowing why. the problem is that our bodies are trained to deal with unhealthy and foods, which are low in nutrition, that means one thing, you are going to eat even more unhealthy foods because they are low in nutrition and you have to consume more of it to balance out your nutritional deficiencies.

In 2013, when I was getting to know the raw food diet, they often talked about what cravings meant. Very often, just because you crave a certain type of food, it doesn't mean that that's the best source. For example, when you are craving unhealthy sweets, that is a symptom of not eating enough calories, especially carbohydrates. Salty foods mean something else, when you crave salty, you lack minerals. So, if you start consuming more greens, you will naturally crave for less salt.

My experience is that when I started consuming Lo-Salt (this contains 66% potassium chloride and only 34% sodium chloride and still has the same taste), I craved salt less and less. Also, Himalayan pink salt is a more balanced salt than plain table salt. Himalayan salt contains some trace minerals.

Clogged liver

OK, so this has been one of my biggest realizations recently. I've done a liver flush for the 4th time in my life. It was hard and inconvenient but the results blew my mind. Unfortunately, our bodies are bombarded with harmful chemicals every day. Unhealthy diets only worse this case. Due to this, your liver is most likely overtaxed and now working in its peak performance. So, before I did the cleanse, I had certain cravings often. After the cleanse, I've started craving healthy foods and didn't like not so healthy foods.

I've already noticed before that when I consumed liver-cleansing foods, especially Milk Thistle on a daily basis, I stopped craving sweets. Or at least it's highly decreased. This only supports what's happened to me in the past few days. And I haven't even mentioned the incredible mental clarity and energy I've gained since then.

If you would like to know more about liver cleanse, check out my playlist here.


The sad truth is, that 99.9% of the people, have some type of parasites in their bowels. There are way more types than what doctors test the meat for. Raw meat can be super dangerous from this aspect, as well as seafood.

So, the parasites live on the food you are eating and they can actually create some cravings for the food they want to eat. Markus Rothkranz has already made a great video about this. Check it out here.

P.S.: If you want to get into shape for this summer check out my free training so you can finally know about the methods that actually WORK and will help you to lose weight and get fit while having fun and not having to starve yourself! See you there!


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