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Is having a six-pack actually healthy and attainable for women?

Is having a six-pack actually healthy and attainable for women?

In the past few years all I've read and heard on social media that having chiseled abs were unhealthy and unattainable (if you want to do it in a healthy way) for women. Don't get me wrong, I don't want to talk about having abs as a must-have to be attractive. Beauty can come in all shapes and sizes but what about the women who still want to have abs.

When I heard that six-pack abs were unattainable for women, it just moved my mind. It sounded unbelievable to me. I saw fitness gurus having beautiful bodies and everyday women were telling everywhere that it wasn't possible for someone like me...and it sounded like a challenge so I started playing with my boundaries.

As a girl and teenager I thought that even breathing air would make me fat. I was dieting all the time. Starving myself. Then I started looking at weight loss in a healthier way. I started working out more. I had lots of ups and downs but let me tell you, having abs is absolutely possible. Even six-pack abs.

When most of the women talk about having defined abs as an impossible task, they are right from their point of view. Maybe you will suffer to get them if you choose the traditional way. And the common way of losing weight is not the healthiest at all. But that's why I've created the most profound and extraordinary course about weight loss. I know how much I had to suffer without the essential knowledge about true weight loss. If you are interested, check it out here. I've also halfway finished the book about this, which will be available in this section.

Whatever, what I want to say is that weight loss, healthy weight loss, is a much more complex topic than just dieting and exercise. So many secret factors can prevent you from losing weight in a sustainable way. Actually, crazy diets and over-exercising is the worst thing you can do from this aspect.

So here are a few factors that can help you to slim down your waist in an unusual way:

1. Fat or water

Okay, so one of the first things I have to talk about is that not everything that seems fat is fat. There are 3 main things that make up your body weight from the weight loss point of view:

- muscles

- fat

- water

If you just want to lose pounds, you don't care about what you lose. Losing muscle will lead to decreased metabolism and losing body tone, however, muscle is the heaviest of these 3.

When you want to lose weight, you want to lose FAT and some water. Very often, water can look like fat but it's actually much easier to get rid of it. Many things can cause water retention.

2. Decreasing salt

Salt is one of the most common things that causes water retention in the body, that means that you are going to look softer not because you are fat but due to the excess water. That's why decreasing salt content can change the game for you. Also, you can use low-salt alternatives instead of table salt, and these contain added potassium. This kind of salt has the same taste, just decreased sodium content, and some sodium chloride is replaced by potassium chloride. Salts for people with hypertension are usually like that. In the UK, Lo-Salt is a great alternative.

3. Balancing your hormones

Most of the women (and even men) can suffer from hormonal imbalances. Excess estrogen will retent water around the waist and thighs and on a long run, hormonal imbalances will hinder fat loss. If you would like to know more about estrogen dominance and hormonal imbalances, check out my video playlist here.

4. Reducing stress

Cortisol make you lose muscle and gain fat on the abdominal area. Doing too much cardio (this is one of the biggest mistakes women can do for losing weight) can elevate cortisol levels and make you gain FAT around your abdomen. Excess cardio means doing it often for more than an hour.

Using adaptogenic herbs like ashwagandha, Rhodiola, reishi can help you a lot.

5. Skipping gluten

Gluten also have water retention effect around your waist. Decreasing wheat products can help you to keep your abs more defined.

P.S.: If you want to get into shape for this summer check out my free training so you can finally know about the methods that actually WORK and will help you to lose weight and get fit while having fun and not having to starve yourself! See you there!


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