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My father's cancer story

My father’s story

Cancer is though. For most people, it can sound like a death sentence. It means chemo, vomiting, pain, morphine, radiation, more chemo, frustration, trying to cheat your destiny, running a race when death is your competition.

No matter how positive someone can be, these negative thoughts probably rush through their mind.

It all started when my father changed his workplace about 15 years ago. He realized that it was very stressful due to the co-workers but he loved to work in a laboratory so he stayed.

After a few years, he noticed blood in his urine. That’s definitely not a good sign. He ignored it. Slowly, a mole on his back turned into a wound, which never wanted to heal. He was vegetarian but he ate a diet high in sugar, dairy, and oil.

It took almost 10 years, and weeks of nagging of his auntie to finally visit the doctors. We already knew what the diagnosis would be.

He is a pharmacist and used to work in the hospital. He didn’t want to undergo chemo. In addition, theoretically, there was no chemo for his types of cancers.

We would like him to do a juice fast but he was too afraid.

Also, he wanted to do the surgeries. Fasting is not advised after surgery because the immune system is too weak, patients after surgery should wait 6 months.

I told my parents to go no oil, so sugar vegan. They didn’t want to listen to me until they talked to a nutritionist, who said the same things…

My dad started drinking juices, the more you drink the better. We read the book, The Breuss cure, and my parents followed the recipes. They mostly made beet+carrot+spinach.

He also drank some baking soda in the morning. 1 tsp of baking soda with a glass of hot water, then 10 minutes later cold water + lemon juice. This is great for alkalizing the body.

He removed sugar, oil, and dairy.

After 6 months, the doctor was astonished by his results.

Then my dad took it easy again and started eating dairy...the cancer came wasn’t as bad as before...but that convinced him that if he doesn’t follow his lifestyle, his won’t be able to preserve his health.

Thanks to God, my Dad is doing great. The surgeries were in 2014.

He does most of the things his own way...if he drank more than 200ml of juice daily he would have healed much faster.

Also, I would still recommend him doing a liver cleanse.

I will talk about what are the things can play a big role in cancer development and what you can do against it.

This is for today!

Have a blessed day!


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