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My favorite salad

I’ve come up with this recipe recently and I’m a little bit obsessed.

A little back story: when I was a kid, I only liked mayonnaise from all of the condiments.

Ketchup: always disappointed me, in my opinion, it has a very artificial flavor. I LOVE everything with tomatoes but ketchup could never win my heart. I’m sorry, ketchup, we will never be a good match…

Mustard: I wasn’t the biggest fan as a kid, nowadays, I LOVE it.

Mayonnaise: my forever love. I stopped eating it a few years ago. When I went vegan, it was a no-no due to the animal products, I tried to swap to soy mayo but as years went by and I’ve realized how unhealthy soy is, I stopped eating mayo altogether.

Nowadays, I’m way more flexible and as a vegetarian, sometimes I allow myself to eat light mayo. I know that there might be some vegan options here, I would like to try those as well.

Another fact: I don’t really like greens. If we are completely honest, greens are just not fun foods and nobody really likes them. On the other hand, greens, especially, the raw and fresh ones, are packed with vitamins, minerals, nutrients, enzymes, all the good stuff. Everybody should eat their greens. I don’t really eat salads. Most of them are boring and contain no calories. I need lots of calories due to my insane exercise routine. Even though this salad is fairly low in calories, you can use it in wraps, sandwiches, so get creative with it.

Health benefits: high in nutrition and protein, liver cleanse


2 teaspoons of mayonnaise

½ can of chickpeas with broth

2 cups of curly kale - chopped

1 grapefruit


Tortilla chips - optional

Mix the mayo, the chickpeas + broth, and some salt in a bowl.

Mix the mayo dressing with some kale leaves.

Chop up your grapefruit, What I love to do is to remove the thin skin of the grapefruit and I only use the juicy fruit flesh inside.

Add some grapefruit to the salad.

Serve with tortilla chips.



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