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Quorn Caesar-inspired salad that will make you feel like you can conquer the world

Quorn Caesar-inspired salad that will make you feel like you can conquer the world

If you somewhat know me, you know that mayonnaise is one of my favorite condiments. I don't like ketchup but mayo is a HUGE love for me. I can eat it with many things.

I know it's not the healthiest and regular mayo contains tons of fat. I always like to use low-fat mayo, also if you are a vegan, vegan mayonnaise options are available.

When I came to the UK, my friend introduced me to Quorn chicken pieces. She's a meat-eater but she said that she couldn't taste the difference. I was astonished for sure when I tried a dish with it and I'm in LOVE ever since.

Quorn is a vegetarian meat alternative, the products usually contain mycoprotein, and egg whites, sometimes milk proteins can be added. There are also some vegan products available. I personally don't like soy. I used to neglect the facts health nuts were telling everywhere, that it's unhealthy until I've got acne and tried everything. I was struggling with hormonal imbalances, and soy worsened my symptoms, very often, I was sure it was the only thing that caused my insomnia. If you would like to know more about hormonal imbalances and insomnia, here's a video about it on YouTube.

OK, so back to Quorn, most of the products are soy-free and gluten-free and I LOVE them.

If you are a vegetarian and would like to try out something new and awesome, definitely try Quorn!

And you are probably curious how the recipe goes, so here it is:

For the mayo chicken:

150 g Quorn chicken pieces

2 tsp of mayo

3-4 cloves of garlic



Olive oil

Cut the garlic into thin slices.

Sauté it on olive oil.

Add the Quorn chicken pieces and some salt and pepper.

Roast these together until everything start to gain a nice red color.

Mix the 2 tsp of may with some water (the recipe was born when I couldn't take the mayo leftovers out of the bottle, and I added some water and shook it), pour it on the chicken pieces.

Cook everything until the mayo thickens.

The salad:

2 cups of kale (I prefer Cavolo nero)

1 cup of baby spinach

1/2 can of chickpeas

100 g quinoa

1 grapefruit


2 tbsp Mayonnaise


Mix the kale and the spinach in a big bowl.

Cook 100-150 g of quinoa in salty water, (I add approximately 1.5 or double amount of water)

Mix the mayo, quinoa, chickpeas (also their broth). Add some salt to the mixture.

Pour the mayo mixture on the top of the greens and mix it with a salad spoon.

Cut the grapefruit into smaller pieces (I like to remove the skin completely, even the thin, that coats the fruit meat, it won't be bitter this way)

Add the rest of the ingredients and the mayo chicken and mix everything together.

Enjoy! :)


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