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Should you actually do a heavy metal detox?

Should you actually do a heavy metal detox?

Unfortunately, heavy metal contamination in our environment and bodies is getting worse and worse worldwide. Seafood can be highly contaminated with mercury, amalgam fillings also contain mercury. Lead, cadmium, nickel, cobalt, copper, arsenic, aluminum, and the above-mentioned, good old mercury. Not so good but it's there.

This topic is very close to my heart because I used to spend a lot of time in the laboratory. At the university, we had long experiments and days there, being exposed to mercury, arsenic, and lead. On the other hand, some of these metals can be present in tap water. For example, in our area, the water is naturally higher in arsenic. There's a legendary story about a woman, who murdered her husbands with arsenic, until she got married to someone from this area, and he could tolerate higher doses, therefore, he didn't die. That's how the police found out about the case.

Heavy metals can cause many problems in the body from hormonal issues to chronic diseases, that's why it's super important to get rid of them as much as it's possible.

I've already mentioned in some of my videos that I was struggling with hormonal imbalances and excessive sweating. My sweating issue was a nightmare and I was deeply ashamed of it and it was also dangerous. I could get very sweaty while having a thin layer of clothing and I actually felt like freezing. The reason this was dangerous because if you are sweaty, you can easily catch a cold or even pneumonia. It also looks like you are lacking personal hygiene. It can be embarrassing.

This sweating and feeling desperate about it fueled years of research. Yes, I had hot flashes as a 22-year-old and I had no idea what to do about it. One of the reasons was my hormonal imbalance, but also, more likely heavy metal toxicity.

I started taking spirulina, then chlorella, then just did overall detoxes. I can say that thanks to God, the excessive sweating is not a problem for me anymore. I can endure heat, of course, I will sweat but it can't be compared to what it was before.

Heavy metals can also cause:

  • Insomnia

  • Inflammation

  • Depression

  • Fatigue

  • Low libido

  • Dry and itchy skin

  • Bad breath

  • Headaches

  • Lack of focus

  • Irritability

Fortunately, there are foods and herbs, which will help you to get rid of these nasty materials:

1. Spirulina

I've started taking spirulina many years ago and still love it. It's able to neutralize (chelate) heavy metals. It can even draw out them from the brain and liver. It's advised to increase the dosage gradually. If you are taking a tablet, start with 1/day for 1 week, the next week you can do 2/day, the 3rd week 3/ day. You can continue this for up to 5-6 weeks.

This alga is extraordinary because it can also help you to balance your hormones. It's high in vitamins, minerals, and GLA, which is a DHT-blocker and can help you lower too high testosterone (the active form of it, dihydrotestosterone) levels.

2. Chlorella

This is another algae, which can remove heavy metals from your body. It has the ability to boost mercury excretion in the body. You can use the same method for dosage as the one I've mentioned at spirulina.

Make sure not to start it with high doses because both of them can cause nausea and diarrhea.

My experience with them. I've never had a problem with spirulina but when I got chlorella, even though I didn't have crazy high doses, I got the powder and I don't this I took more than it would be in a tablet. Long story short, on the 3rd day of taking it, I felt very sick. I was dizzy and nauseous, and I threw up. After that, I felt much better and lighter, yet, it's definitely a good lesson to start it moderately if you want to avoid these uncomfortable detox symptoms.

3. Cilantro

The green of coriander is also a great tool to eliminate heavy metals. You can put a handful of fresh cilantro into your smoothies. It can work wonders.

4. Barley grass

Barley grass is great to get rid of heavy metals from the organs related to hormonal synthesis and excreting, just like the pancreas, thyroid, and reproductive organs. It's best to be combined with spirulina.

5. Dandelion greens

Dandelion greens and roots are great for detoxifying the liver (phase I and II), it is also helpful to draw heavy metals from the brain and spleen.

You can juice the greens or put them into smoothies. It can taste very bitter so I would rather recommend juicing.

6. Green tea

Let it be regular green tea or matcha green tea powder, they contain high amounts of flavonoids, which act as natural chelators.

7. Burdock

It's a powerful and deep liver-cleanser. You can have it as a tea or a capsule.

8. Milk thistle

This wonderful herb has extraordinary superpowers to support your liver. It can help to restore liver cells and to remove heavy metals from the liver.

9. Atlantic red seaweed

This algae can effectively remove various kinds of heavy metals from your body.

10. Oregano

This spice is exceptionally high in flavonoids, it has 10 x more than green tea. Flavonoids can neutralize heavy metals in the body.

11. Wild blueberries

Another food that's super high in chelating antioxidants. Put some raw blueberries in your smoothies and cleanse your body without making aggressive cleanses.

I hope this was helpful!

Have you tried heavy metal detox? Leave a comment below!

Have a blessed day! <3


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