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The possible causes of cancer

The possible causes of cancer

If you haven’t read my father’s story, check out the previous blog post.

Today I would like to talk about some of the possible causes of cancer. Cancer is a lifestyle-related disease and lots of factors can play a role in its development.

I will list some of them here:

1. Nutritional imbalances

Nutritional imbalances - too much processed food. Foods that are high in processed sugar and fat. Dairy contains the IGF1 factor (insulin-like growth factor). The tumors usually have more blood vessels than other tissues, therefore, this growth factor will mostly support their growth.

Processed foods can provoke inflammation and that can cause various health problems.

2. Stress

Cortisol a.k.a the stress hormone can turn down the immune system for 48 hours. I’ve listened to a video by chrisbeatcancer on YouTube, he mentioned that most of the cancer patients had a very stressful period in their life up to 5-10 prior the cancer was diagnosed.

Cortisol is a powerful anti-inflammatory agent, chronic inflammation in the body can increase cortisol levels, just like emotional stress.

There are some adaptogenic herbs like ashwagandha, astragalus, Rhodiola, which can lower cortisol levels. Also, certain adaptogenic mushrooms can do the same thing, these are Reishi, cordyceps.

I personally, have tried ashwagandha, astragalus, reishi and all of them have been amazing. If I feel stressed out I take a teaspon of ashwa with a glass of water. I almost immediately start to feel relief. For someone, who is already sick, I would recommend taking at least 1 tsp daily. There are available in a supplement form, too.

Vitamin D also plays an important role in cortisol production. Vitamin D can reduce cortisol production. Also, taking this vitamin daily can boost the immune system. I was talking to a doctor, who made a research on this topic and he recommended at least 2000 i.u. Vitamin D daily, you can go up to 4000 i.u. for some time if you are dealing with some health issues like cancer.

3. Weakened liver function

Some doctors agree that when cancer is already there, most of the patients have weakened liver functions. As I have been doing presentations and assisting the juice fasting camp I know some protocols, which can be helpful.

Due to pesticides, additives, and the chemicals we meet daily, our livers can be overtaxed. The liver is one of the most important organs of the body, it is responsible for numerous processes from fat metabolism to detox. It’s crucial for hormonal balance and the immune system.

When the other excreting organs, the bowels and the kidneys, don’t work properly that puts extra pressure on the liver.

Back to the liver, some foods are excellent for cleansing the liver, just like grapefruits or grapefruit juice, milk thistle, Spanish black radish, beets. These can slowly cleanse the liver for many toxins. I will cover liver detox in another post.

I have a video about liver detox:

Giving up alcohol is very important.

4. Weakened immune system

You have cancerous cells in your body every single day but your immune system gets rid of them. If the immune system is weakened, these cells can multiply and tumors can develop. As i’ve mentioned vitamin D has massive importance in strengthening the immune functions.

Also, vitamin C, zinc, PROBIOTICS (the gut has a HUGE impact on the immune system), turmeric, garlic can be very helpful.

I would recommend watching the series ‘The truth about cancer’ because it covers lots of alternatives therapies and how cancer really develops.

5. Acidity

Too much acidity in the body supports cancer growth. The baking soda drink, what I’ve mentioned in the previous post can be very helpful for that.

Consuming alkaline forming foods, raw fruits and veggies can be very helpful, that’s why juices can be amazing from this aspect.

6. Emotions

Emotions. When my father was sick, I saw how happy he was to go to the doctor, get attention, and that he didn’t have to be at his workplace. His co-workers were terrible the place was super stressful, and even though he didn’t want to acknowledge it, he enjoyed being sick and spending time at home.

Another aspect is that the diagnosis can put huge pressure on cancer patients. They don’t think rationally. Your thoughts can literally make you sick, I would highly recommend a book Radical honesty, which helps you ease stress by telling to truth.

Unaddressed negative emotions mean a constant source of stress, which just ruins the immune system.

I hope this helped!

I could talk about this topic for days because it’s a VERY complex area but thankfully, some simple procedures can help a LOT. Like juices, alkalizing, being vegan (raw vegan would be ideal), lowering stress, vitamin D.

Have a blessed day! <3


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