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Your hormones can make you or break you, here’s why

Your hormones can make you or break you, here’s why

Do you want shiny and thick hair, youthful and smooth skin, lean and toned body, good mood, sharp focus, good sleep, and become the alpha female you’ve always wanted to be?

You are in the right place. Guess what? Your hormonal balance is responsible for all this. When I talk about hormonal balance here, I mostly talk about sex hormones. The main female hormones are estrogen and progesterone. Females have testosterone, too, just in a much lower percentage than males.

I didn’t believe in the importance of hormonal balance until 2016. Maybe you can’t realize the importance of them either. I thought hormones were only responsible for having my period and having a baby later. Then I started struggling with my weight and acne. I tried everything to solve those issues and as I dove deeper into holistic health I started to realize that my hormones were responsible for basically every aspect of my health and well-being.

I started experimenting with certain herbs, teas, and supplements. I started taking my hormonal balance more seriously. The more I did it, the better I felt. Since that time, I am 100% convinced that my hormones play an essential role in my happiness.

In the upcoming month, I’m going to focus on the importance of hormones and hopefully help you to be happier and more beautiful than before.

Read in-depth about the topics here:

5 easy ways to balance your hormones for a glowing and gorgeous skin

5 reasons hormones can make your hair fall out...or grow back

Do you think hormonal balance is important or not? Share your thoughts in the comments!


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