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Your new secret weapon against acne

Your new secret weapon against acne

You have probably heard about the immense benefits of probiotics against acne and to balance your hormones. Acne, hormonal and gut flora imbalances go hand in hand. Did you know that your gut bacteria can regulate sex hormones? There is a group of microbes in your gut, which scientists call ‘estroblomone’, they play a HUGE role in metabolizing the estrogen in of your body. When the gut flora is out of balance, these bacterias can produce less or more active estrogens, causing hormonal imbalances. Happy bacteria mean happy hormones. What if I told you that I’ve got the perfect, delicious, and super simple recipe to quickly balance your bacteria and therefore, your hormones?

It’s always better to eat probiotic foods daily because they can contain way more bacteria than a single capsule. You also have to focus on prebiotics, which help you to feed the ‘good’ bacteria in your gut.

Yogurt. It’s one of my favorite drinks. Or it used to be. It’s full of probiotics. When I went vegan and eliminated dairy products, I really missed it. Then we found out about soy yogurt. I never really like the taste of it, plus, soy can cause a nightmare in terms of your hormonal balance, at least for me and some other people.

Oats are prebiotic foods, they contain lots of beta-glucan fiber and resistant starch, which is great for your gut bacteria.

A few months ago, when I arrived home from the U.S. and Canada, I was suddenly inspired to create oat milk at home. When I was in NYC, I was obsessed with oat milk matcha latte. That helped me to clear up my skin a lot due to many factors. Matcha is amazing for your hormonal balance and oats are great prebiotics. Back to the story. I wanted to make matcha latte at home. Then why not try a new plant-based yogurt with oat milk? If it works with soy, it should work with oats…

It worked. I LOVE the texture, the flavor and basically everything about it. Here’s your gluten-free, dairy-free, pro- and prebiotics packed elixir recipe, you should definitely give this a try!


½- 3/4 cup of oats

1 liter of water

Probiotics (Lactobacillus acidophilus is a must, you can also add Streptococcus thermophilus if you want to, or you can use 100ml of yogurt - if you are OK with dairy and want the cheapest version, you can use regular yogurt, plant-based yogurts are also great as a starter)

1 tsp of natural sugar - optional (coconut sugar, honey, etc…- they can help the bacteria grow faster and to make the yogurt sourer, we don’t really use it)

There are multiple methods to do this:

My Mom’s favorite:

This method is a bit quicker.

Grind the oats.

Boil the water in a pot, set aside and add the oat flour.

Stir until it thickens, you can strain it if you want to.

Let it cool down for 40 C / 104 F and add the prebiotics and mix them evenly. (If you can’t measure the temperature, hand-warm is good)

Cover it with a blanket and let it sit for at least 3 hours.

You can add a pinch of salt right before consumption.

How I did first:

Blend the oats with the water.

Put it in a pot and wait until it boils thickens.

You have to stir this regularly.

After it’s cooked, you can strain it if you want to.

Let it cool down for 40 C / 104 F and add the prebiotics and mix them evenly. (If you can’t measure the temperature, hand-warm is good)

Cover it with a blanket and let it sit for at least 3 hours.

You can add a pinch of salt right before consumption.


You can use this in smoothies, drink it just the way it is. I usually consume at least 1-2 cups of this daily. Since then, my energy levels are higher, my hormones are more balanced and my skin looks better than ever. TRY IT!


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