Chocolate Banana Pudding
Chocolate Banana Pudding A little back story. In Serbia, where I'm from, the Banana chocolate is a great hit. Chocolate and bananas are a...
Chickpea mayo sandwich
Chickpea mayo sandwich I don't like greens. I'm not a fan of salads...but since I've tried this concept, I'm obsessed with everytyhing...
5 powerful methods, which can actually help to get rid of your migraine
5 powerful methods, which can actually help to get rid of your migraine Do you hate headaches like I do? As a pharmacist I know, that if...
Veggie finger sandwich
Veggie finger sandwich Easy and delicious. I've tried these veggie fingers 2 months ago and it was LOVE at first taste. You can get a box...
Chili Quorn Carne Soup
Chili Quorn Carne Soup I have to say that I LOVE the U.K. for its wonderful vegetarian meat options. They are just awesome, affordable,...
Stress, the hidden cause of most of the diseases
Stress, the hidden cause of most of the diseases Stress and many of the most diseases are connected. We all know it deep inside but can...
How to lose weight above 30?
How to lose weight above 30? 30. Many people think that this is the end of your ‘I can eat a pizza and still won’t get fat’ years. Most...
My favorite salad I’ve come up with this recipe recently and I’m a little bit obsessed. A little back story: when I was a kid, I only...
Strawberry-grapefruit-mint lemonade
Strawberry-grapefruit-mint lemonade This is a perfect recipe for hot summer days or enjoying the Indian summer in the autumn. I wish we...
Turmeric can be more effective than 14 drugs
Is it more than a spice? Have you heard about that turmeric can be more effective than 14 drugs at treating certain diseases? If you...