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Are you actually tired or you are just paralyzed by emotional stress?

Are you actually tired or you are just paralyzed by emotional stress?

OK, so it all started more than a week ago. I've already had episodes like this before but I couldn't see the root cause of it. All I felt that I had no energy, no willpower, and no mood to do anything productive. First, it was only decreased productivity, then it ended up to be complete absence of doing what I planned to do.

It's super annoying because you know you would like to do things and also, you need to do it for your future, still, there's nothing to hold you back from being lazy all day.

As a HSP (highly sensitive person), I know that emotions wear me out. Another negative aspect is that I can fall into thinking cycles. Usually of my past. Chewing on the past and how to make a better future...but more just chewing...on the past.

Don't get me wrong, I have no regrets but there are some hurtful episodes I don't want to experience again. Especially when it comes to romantic relationships. Especially when you don't know what to do at the moment because your past is still kinda there and also, you see a new beginning in another story. It's called decision fatigue.

No matter if it's a relationship, business, friendship, or whatever, it's hard to decide how much you should sacrifice. Where's the limit. When to hold on and when to let go. If something is worthy of starting again or to completely let go of the past and live in the moment. Even better, find a match that fits even more.

I'm not a people pleaser but I definitely care too much about people. I hate to hurt them. Sometimes I have problems with prioritizing myself.

Whatever, today I was doing a profound journaling session in the morning. I haven't done it for ages because I didn't know where to start. You know I'm a big fan of journaling.

It turned out that I have changed. A LOT. My values started to shift, the way I look at the world has changed and basically everything with it. It might turn out that I'm not the girl I thought I was. This period is more about embracing my dark side. This process has started about 1.5 years ago. I went through heaven and hell.

I also believe in destiny. At the moment, it seems like I'm going against that with constantly choosing the new path. Or not. I still can't decide it. And it annoys the heck out of me because I want to take the right path. I want to make the right investment. I don't want to make mistakes.

So, these thoughts were swirling in my mind and I got tired. Mentally, emotionally, and even physically. But looking back, I was stupid. Because you never have to stress about these things. Whatever needs to happen will happen. Your job is to stay open. Open to possibilities and open to change...and adapt.

So here are a few things if you are stressed out due to decision fatigue and don't know what to do at the moment:

1. You don't have to decide on anything right now

Especially when it comes to difficult decisions. Write down the pros and cons. Write down the future you want to see. Visualize it. Pray about it. Wait for the answer. Never let anyone make you stressed out and push you to make a decision you don't want to make right now.

OK, sooner or later, you will have to choose. Give yourself a time limit. For example, 3 days or 3 weeks, whatever. Dedicate that time to think everything through. Make a decision. Stick to it. Make a decision and never look back.

2. Don't stress, it mutes the voice of your intuition

I've realized this in the past 2 years. If you are stressed out, you make the worst decisions because you don't consider so many things and can't hear your intuition.

Take some adaptogens, breathe deep, listen to calming music. Stress is never useful.

3. Stay open

Very often, in times of crisis, you are pushed to consider aspects you would have never considered otherwise. Trust that if things are going wrong, it's for a reason. It's because things have to change. If you are unhappy with the place you are living, or your partner doesn't love and respect you enough, it might be that they are not the right person for you. Or you have to make some drastic changes.

Whatever happens, happens for you. You are loved and the best is waiting for you.

4. Attract, never chase

Well, this was one of the common mistakes I made. When you chase, there is a chance that you will hold on to something too much and you will suffocate it. If you want to upgrade your life, you have to upgrade yourself. BTW, it blows my mind because writing these lines feels like I'm writing the answers for myself...

Make a vision board with pictures of the things you want to have, the person you want to be with, also, visualize the life you want to live, the relationship you want to get.

I've noticed that very often, we go harder into something and get desperate because we don't actually trust and visualize. Chase is lack of faith.

5. Prioritize yourself

I needed to learn this in a hard way. Women have a tendency to prioritize everyone else. I think HSPs are even worse. Making people sad can break my heart. It used to be so crazy that I felt super sad for the guys I wanted to reject. I felt like I should just give them a chance because of pity. It doesn't work like that. Especially when it comes to business and relationships.

I've learned that pain in the moment can lead to a greater happiness. The guy is not right for you means that you are not right for them. It's never one-sided. I want to give my love and respect to a special someone, who actually deserves these in my eyes. I have lots of male friends but that doesn't mean they are qualified to be my partner.

Stick to your values and principles. If somebody doesn't match up, don't match up with them.

6. Don't forget self-love

Probably this was the worst aspect. I felt sorry trying to move on. I can feel angry at myself when I feel sorry for someone and still might say no. With anger comes lack of self-love. This can slowly become a downward spiral.

This doesn't mean that you shouldn't give people another chance but don't feel bad if you don't want to.

If somebody steals your peace, it's okay to limit your time with them. If you can't trust someone anymore, you don't have to. Stay peaceful and consider how you would feel the most loved.

Often, you are mad at someone because he broke the limits you've never discussed with him. You let other people hurt you, step on you, use you. You are mad at yourself because you let this happen. The only thing you can do is to learn from it and apply the knowledge for the future.

If you see a better future in another situation, you don't have to stay. You don't have to sacrifice yourself for someone, who resists change.

I hope this was helpful!

Have a blessed day! <3


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