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How to stop procrastinating after taking a break

How to stop procrastinating after taking a break

As I've mentioned in the previous post, I was dealing with some setbacks recently. I'm a perfectionist and I can't stand when things don't go my way, especially when I can't perform. It definitely adds some extra stress to the already stressful situation.

So, starting to create again can be also stressful because I've done things imperfectly in the near past and the picture looks pretty ugly. But it's still a picture. I have to deal with feelings of inadequacy. I've also noticed that the more I postpone things, the more stressed I get when I think about them.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not an unbearable crazy perfectionist, who will comment on every little detail when it's not the best looking. I'm pretty easy going usually. On the other hand, I always like to examine my feelings. The perfectionist can come out often inside causing stress and anxiety, which are also rarely visible from the outside.

As I've seen, every single person on this planet deals with the negative effects of postponing important things. One way or another. Nobody has everything together. One thing I've learned in the past few years is that doing the important things in time will not steal but will actually save you time and money.

For example, if you have minor health struggles right now, it's better to fix them at this moment before they get worse. Or if you constantly postpone an important conversation because it feels too hard currently, you might save yourself from lots of heartaches.

Another thing that I've noticed is that the duties, which feel big and scary are not actually big and scary most of the time. They just feel that way.

But let's make a list about it how to stop postponing and procrastinating when you took some time off:

1. Go against fear

In my experience, one of the reasons your to-dos can seem too big is because you are afraid of them. It's like a monster that you don't kill and will get bigger every day. Let me tell you something. It will get bigger like a balloon. Fear blows air in it but your task is the same. Get a needle and burst it.

2. Just start doing it

Especially after taking a break, things can pile up and this can create even more fear because you have to conquer a bigger mountain. Instead of thinking about all of your tasks, just start one and aim to do it for just 5-10 minutes. It's hard to start but easier to continue.

3. Accept that things might get hard at the beginning

I won't promise you that your life will be easy. When you acknowledge that life can be hard sometimes, you won't always feel the happiest, for some reason, this always makes me feel 100 times better.

4. You can conquer everything one step at a time

No matter how big a task might look, if you deal with it on a consistent basis, you are going to finish it someday. Just be consistent, divide the big task into smaller ones, and focus on those little milestones.

5. Calm down, everything is going to be okay

Stress won't solve any of your issues. It will only make you sick and feel low. If you need help, start learning some breathing exercises, move your body, be more present, don't overthink the future, celebrate little victories, and take some adaptogens if needed.

I hope this was helpful!

Have a blessed day! <3


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