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The rarely mentioned benefits of broccoli

The rarely mentioned benefits of broccoli

You’ve probably heard that many bodybuilders like to eat broccoli for protein. Health food pictures often include it. But are you really aware of the immense potential of this plant? I didn’t pay too much attention to broccoli until I’ve watched a video about sulforaphane. What’s sulforaphane? It’s a substance of MANY POWERFUL benefits.

Probably one of the reasons people don’t know about this molecule is because they consume cooked broccoli and never enjoyed the benefits of it.

Here’s a short video about why sulforaphane is great and how to get more of it:

If you don’t want to watch the video, it’s briefly about how to prepare broccoli in the right way…

Sulforaphane is NOT present in broccoli, it needs an enzyme to get produced from another substance, which is present in the plant.

The incredible benefits of sulforaphane:

- Protects your eyesight and brain

- Prevents cancer

- Helps you to balance your hormones

- Boosts phase II liver detoxification

- Neutralizes free radicals

- Helps with phase II liver detoxification (this is very important and I will write a post about it)

- Boosts weight loss

If you buy frozen broccoli or if you cook the broccoli, you will destroy the enzyme and will never enjoy the benefits of sulforaphane.

But is there a solution? Thankfully, the myrosinase enzyme, which catalyzes the reaction creating sulforaphane from glucoraphanin, is present in other places. Glucoraphanin is present in cruciferous vegetables and it’s heat resistant but the enzyme can’t prevail higher temperatures. Sulforaphane is also heat resistant. If you chop up the fresh broccoli, brussels sprouts, kale, or cauliflower, and wait some time, about 40 minutes before cooking, the precious chemical will be created (because the enzyme is still alive and working). You can cook it later and enjoy the sulforaphane boost. Also, you can cook these things and add some ground mustard seeds to the mixture and you will have the same effect. Mustard seeds contain the necessary myrosinase enzyme.

My experience with sulforaphane:

I tried it once years ago and I felt surprisingly GREAT the next day.

Two weeks ago, I made a broccoli cream soup because I’m creating a recipe book. On the next day, my brain was super focused, my energy levels were high. Since that time, I’ve started eating more broccoli cream soup.

No matter if you want to increase your focus and mental performance, athletic performance, youthfulness, or you just want to prevent cancer and other diseases. Sulforaphane can be one of your secret weapons. Make sure to eat more broccoli. :D

Leave a comment, do you like broccoli or not and if you do, what’s your favorite way to eat it! :)

Have a wonderful day!


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