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How to stay motivated all the time

How to stay motivated all the time

I guess on certain days you struggled to even get out of bed. I didn't feel like doing anything. Especially things that are related to productivity. Some days, I felt paralyzed, I knew I had to get things done, yet, ended up doing basically nothing all day. Then I felt guilty because I wasn't investing in my future and knew that the next day wouldn't be better. It was a vicious circle. I was praying to God to see the solution. I knew there was so much within me. Value, inspiration, wisdom I can share with people, still, it felt dead when it was time for being productive.

Some people believe that "motivation is garbage". Some other people sit on the side of their bed until inspiration comes. So what's the truth? Well, I'm a VERY artistic person. I can't say that motivation is garbage. When I do things without being motivated, I get depressed long term. I can't write without inspiration. On the other hand, do you actually have to WAIT for being inspired and motivated or there is a way to accelerate the waiting process?

Being quarantined made me very anxious for the first 2 weeks. I had come home from abroad literally in the last minute and I got 2 weeks of home quarantine, then 2 extra weeks were added. It felt like a curse. I couldn't go out to run, to enjoy the park and nature. Thanks to God, I could at least go out to the garden. It still felt very hard.

After the anxiousness, I started enjoying it, like never before. I needed that break. I needed to distract my thoughts from performing and focus on my true purpose.

But let's get back to the motivation. I think I've discovered how to stay motivated most of the time. I say most of the time because I believe that rest can fuel motivation and sometimes when you feel unmotivated is because you are actually TIRED.

Here are the things I've discovered how to get things done and stay motivated:

1. Rest enough

As I've already said before, sometimes you are lacking motivation because YOU ARE TIRED. Go to sleep at a decent time, preferably before 10 pm, sleep at least 6-8 hours every day. If you feel like you are lacking energy during the day, don't be ashamed to take a nap. Napping actually improves focus and creativity. Watch this video if you want to learn more about it.

Also, if you are well-rested, you work faster. I always think about working when you are super tired as a waste of time. You are slow, out of focus, and you are robbing yourself from the precious rest, which would enhance your mood and made you finish the same task 3 times faster. Sleep is an investment. Not a waste of time. And no, coffee can't replace sleep.

2. Eliminate stress

In my experience, stress is one of the biggest factors when it comes to procrastination, lack of motivation, and creativity. If you are stressed out you can't make good decisions, you can't even think clearly because your mind is revolving about the negative scenarios and anxiety-triggering moments you went through or made it up and projected to the future.

Worrying is a waste of energy. Stress can not only ruin your productivity but can also cause you some serious health problems in the long run.

Thankfully, adaptogens can lower cortisol levels, which is the stress hormone. Ashwagandha, rhodiola, astragalus, reishi all have this superpower and they will change your life.

3. Start your morning right

Recently, one of my biggest realizations was that I can actually manipulate my motivation levels. Your mood and motivation rather depend on how you start your morning.

The first hour of your day can determine, ruin, or make your whole day. Make it peaceful and useful. I like to pray, read, learn, and listen to motivational videos. Reminding myself that I'm in control, also God is in control, has totally changed my life.

If you had a bad morning, don't worry, if you are aware of this factor, it is possible to recalibrate your day with an hour of peace and focus.

4. Exercise

A short, energizing little workout can totally put you into the mood of doing things. When I read the book Own the day, own your life, it was advised to pay attention to 3 things in the first 20 minutes of your day, water, blue light, and exercise.

Exercise to get your heart rate up. I don't usually do it in the first 20 minutes yet it's still very effective. Actually, doing some exercise breaks during work can enhance your productivity. I like to do a short yoga flow or handstands, only for about 5 minutes. Remember, the purpose of this is not to tire yourself, just to give some energy boost.

5. Water and morning drinks

As I've mentioned at the previous point, water is a crucial part of waking up. I always start my day by drinking 1 l of water. Preferably filtered. Water wakes up your body, during sleep, the body gets a bit dehydrated and desperately needs water.

I actually like to drink 2 l of water during my mornings. The 2nd liter can be mixed with some green tea or herbal concoctions. It makes me even more energized and productive.

6. Learning

I've noticed this recently, but it seems like during the morning, your mood and thinking are easy to be shaped. If you wake up stressed because somebody nags you with work and you have to start working ASAP, it puts your body into a stressful state.

Work smart. For me, in the mornings, my brain is in a sponge state. It sucks up thoughts and emotions. Therefore, if I read and learn I can fill it with positivity and the thought that I'm in control. Also, this way, I've already invested in the future and that makes me happy and satisfied.

7. Feeding your brain

I think many people struggle with motivation because their brains are not working well, thus, their willpower is low. Sleep can be one of the problems, the other is inadequate nutrition. I've already made a video on this topic, so if you would like to learn more, make sure to check it out. I would also like to add lion's mane, which is a mushroom and it's incredible for enhancing your brainpower.

8. Stop procrastinating

Very often, the reason you don't feel like starting something is that you are having too big goals, which overwhelm you. For example, if you want to write 20 pages of your new book today, that can stress you out with thoughts "What will I write?" "What if I get tired?" , it's too many factors to consider. Instead of writing half of your book today, have the goal to sit in front of your computer to write 1 page, and then when you've already started, everything comes easier.

9. Have a strong WHY

I used to struggle with motivation because I thought nobody would be interested in what I could offer. I knew my knowledge was extraordinary but I felt hopeless. I also struggle with imposter syndrome very often. What's changed my life was, when I watched a video by Patrice Washington, she has an amazing YouTube channel BTW, and she said that "there are people, who can't sleep at night because they need your wisdom" or something like that. I've realized that it was true.

So many women are struggling with hormonal issues, hormonal insomnia, so they literally can't sleep, if you want to watch the video about that, check it out here.

I've realized that I matter and what I can offer is valuable.

I would also like to mention that I wanted to start this business thing years ago...but I didn't have the results and wisdom then. Don't let fear hold you back but also, if you feel like you need to learn and do more research, do it. Take your time. Listen to your intuition and you will know when you are ready.

10. Motivational journal

One of the things I was experimenting with was a motivational journal. I wrote down when I went to bed, when I woke up, how motivated I felt in the morning and during the day, and what I did during the day in terms of self-care and mindset. This way, I've discovered that fruit smoothies usually change the game for me. I need carbs to work properly.

Also, this is the way I've discovered that I can change the way I feel in the morning.

11. Block out days

Another thing that's helped me was making a basic weekly schedule. I separated days for things related to videos, some other days for writing. I also list out all the things I need and want to do during the week and distribute it to days, so I know what I have to do EXACTLY.

Just the weekly schedule, for example, to 'make videos' on Tuesdays gave me decision fatigue because when I came to do it, I had to decide what to do exactly.

Decision fatigue tires your brain and decreases motivation. Use a few hours every week to plan your week.

12. Give it to God

What I was missing in the past was my deep spiritual life. I thought it was kind of a waste of time if I focused on it for too long. Then God made me realize that to have the most amount of energy, you have to feed your soul, not only your brain and body.

Now I take extra time in the morning to read. 10-20 minutes, which reminds me of the love of God and that I don't have to have everything figured out.

Tools to regain your focus during the day - check it here.

I hope this was helpful!

Leave a comment, what are your best motivational tips?

Have a blessed day! <3


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