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Journaling tips for success and achievements

I've heard about the benefits of journaling years ago and I didn't believe in it.Then I came to a period of my life where I was like: I wish somebody would remind me of the things I experience daily and the conclusion.

I used to suffer from depression. In my family, especially when I was young, expressing our emotions weren't a thing. So, I usually suppressed everything until I exploded. My life was all about suppressing my emotions and then exploding from time to time.

I often didn't even realize what my problem was but things just felt off. Then, thanks to God, I slowly started learning and upgrading my communication. I noticed that I constantly suppressed negative emotions. That was the time when journaling started to change my life.

So, let's start with the benefits I've achieved through this practice:

- writing down your thoughts helps you to see yourself from the bigger perspective

- when you let things out of your head, you are able to think much clearer

- you can write down a series of questions related to your current situation

- if you see your answers on paper, you will have a much clearer vision of what you can do

- you don't have to be afraid of judgment because you are talking to your diary

- you can write letters to the people, whom you don't like and burn them, this way, you may skip unnecessary confrontation and arguments

- you may realize that your problem might not be your actual problem

- you save time and money instead of going to therapy - sometimes therapy is be useful and necessary as well but journaling can help you everywhere anytime, you don't have to wait for anyone

Journaling helped me to know myself better, to be more aware of my emotions, and to find a solution quicker.

Here are a few tips if you've decided to try it:

1. You can write different journals for different topics

To be honest, soon, I will probably be called as a journaling queen because I have tons of little notebooks and journals dedicated to certain topics. Just to give you some ideas, I have one for recording the things I've learned in life, another for testing things out (mindsets, life hacks, etc), another for gratitude, another for the things I want to do in the future, another for business ideas, another for the things I want to test in business, and many more. Recently, I've started writing a motivation journal.

The motivation journal have helped a LOT to boost my productivity. If you are a kind of person, who needs motivation and inspiration to do anything, I'm like that, then this can change your life. Some people say that motivation is garbage and there is some truth to it but I can't work well without it. BUT the good news is that you can discover what can boost your motivation and what ruins it. I write down when I wake up and when I go to bed, how motivated I feel, and what are the self-care practices I did to boost my productivity if there was anything that helped to regain my motivation throughout the day.

Then things I've learned about myself so far: if I'm tired my motivation is very low, if I have negative thoughts and lack faith in what I'm doing, that can also ruin my motivation. When I listen to videos, that tell me that I'm the one, who can decide to live a better life, that helps me to stay motivated. Other things that boost my focus will also help me with motivation like diffusing essential oils, journaling, reading self-help books, learning languages, getting up early, drinking green tea, etc.

2. You don't have to do it every day

I have numerous cute little notebooks, which are not sold as journals. I use them whenever I need them. For example, if I have something I've learned that day, which has changed my life and perspective, I'm gonna write it down. I'm gonna record the date. I usually write in that every week to a month. Then if I need some cheer me up, I can re-read them.

3 Have specific questions prepared when you are battling with negative emotions

If I'm stressed out, there are certain questions I like to ask myself. Why are you stressed out? Why does that stress you out? What can you do about it? What's the worst-case scenario? How can you solve it? What are your limits in this area? What are you willing to sacrifice? Why are you afraid? etc...

Often, if you can ask the right questions from yourself. you can get your answers and start to work on a better life. Fear and stress can hold you back from doing important things. That's why getting rid of these will skyrocket your results and dedication.

4. You can use a journal to monitor your activities and see the outcome

If I go back to my motivation journal, I can see that what activities helped me and what didn't. I also write down the conclusions every week. Things that I've realized to be useful or major activities I shouldn't have done.

This way I've realized that carbohydrates are super important for me to be more productive, especially smoothies. And that's how I've realized that going to bed, not later, but only a bit later can seriously affect my mood, energy levels, and concentration on the next day.

5. Get clear goals

I have a little notebook just for daily to-dos. I've realized that if I'm not clear enough about what I want to do, I often don't think about it later just skip that activity. For example, when I just write 'filming' 90% sure I won't do anything about it but when I write down the exact title of the video I want to film and I already have a sketch for it, it's much much easier. I can unconsciously prepare for the task all along and it also won't give me decision fatigue to find out what I should do.

I have a weekly to-do list, and I try to distribute the activities already. I also did a rough weekly schedule, where I dedicated different days for different activities. For example, Mondays are mainly for writing, Tuesdays for filming, editing, and uploading content.

When I'm on a specific day of the week, I already know what kind of activity I will need to do that day or the next day.

6. Write down what you have to change in your life to achieve something greater

Whatever you want to achieve, it's important to know that you will most likely have to make changes in your life. You have to be more present, more conscious, healthier. stronger, learn more, know more, experiment more. Every new situation will require a new you. Don't be afraid to change and make sacrifices. You can write down weekly or monthly one trait you want to change and focus on to become a better you.

You can also write down suggestions how you can achieve those results. All of us have to deal with limiting beliefs related to certain areas. If you change your thinking, you are going to change your outcome.

Also, don't expect to achieve different results by doing the same things that have given you your current results.

7. Be dedicated but flexible

To be completely honest, I'm a maximalist and I can often feel like a failure if I don't meet my daily requirements. Life happens and you will never be able to execute your plan perfectly. The goal is to do your best and the results will follow. You also have to be patient with yourself because change takes time. Don't underestimate the power of baby steps.

I hope this was helpful!

Have a blessed day! <3


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