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Egg shell, the most complex mineral supplement

Egg shell, the most complex mineral supplement

I know that it sounds a bit crazy. I've been looking for a great mineral supplement for a long time. Some of the calcium and magnesium supplements have terrible absorption, that's why I wanted something better.

Actually, there's a way to make those supplements better but I will talk about that in an upcoming post. Egg shells. 7 years ago, when I was vegan, I started getting teeth issues. Looking back, I did many mistakes to develop those. OK, let me share with you that story.

In 2011, September, I decided not to eat eggs anymore and I went vegan. 1-2 months later, I watched a video on healing your teeth. It was said that conventional toothpastes were terrible and a glycerin-baking soda mix was advised as an alternative (horrible mistake). Within 3 months, my teeth went from great to terrible. I had lots of little holes, not the black cavities but tiny holes without a cavity. My teeth were crazy sensitive and it seemed like the enamel disappeared. Since that time, I basically tried everything to fix them. I'm gonna write another post on healing your teeth later.

I knew I needed to take more calcium and magnesium and as I was researching for a great natural alternative I heard about egg shells. I wasn't an ethical vegan so these fit in the picture but at the end I didn't really used them.

Few years later, I found a supplement in the pharmacy, which was actually made from egg shells and I was convinced that they were safe to take. I took it for some time then I ran out of it and started taking other calcium supplements.

Recently, I've run out of my regular calcium and magnesium pills due to the quarantine but I've found a container with ground egg shells.

The benefits:

  • Egg shells are have a super similar mineral content to human bones and teeth

  • They don't only contain calcium and magnesium but lots of other minerals and even trace minerals

  • If you consume eggs, egg shells are always available

  • They are natural

  • The absorption is better than at the regular calcium and magnesium supplements

The preparation:

I like to wash them before I crack them, after cracking I usually put them in baking soda water for a day to clean them properly.

After washing, dry them for a few days, or in an oven on 50 C degrees for a few hours.

If they are dry enough, grind them with a coffee grinder.

Keep the powder in a sealable container.

When it comes to taking them as a supplement:

I put 1/2 tsp of powder in a juice of 1 lemon and let it sit for at least 30 minutes.

Drink the mixture.

Side note: it tasted a bit disgusting at the beginning but now it's totally fine. In my experience, acid helps a lot with digestion and absorption.

Hope this was helpful!

Have a blessed day! <3


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