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Anti-aging secrets nobody talks about

Anti-aging secrets nobody talks about

If you think aging is a natural process, you are right. But if you think that you can't do anything about it to preserve your youth, you are seriously wrong. The media is full of people, who went under knife to preserve their beauty, yet, nobody talks about the natural ways to stay young and beautiful.

Aging is a very complex topic. The main problem is that with age, the negative effects of an unhealthy lifestyle add up. Pain, wrinkles, diseases come because you are eating unhealthy. Of course, there is an aging process in the body but it can be highly manipulated.

There are women in the seventies, who look like 40. There are women in their twenties, who look like 40. It's about your lifestyle.

So, here are a few ways to preserve your health, beauty, and fitness for a long time:

1. Liver cleanse

Some people say that you are as old as your liver. Unfortunately, our modern lifestyle is very harmful for this precious organ. Alcohol, drugs, smoking, trans-fats, fast foods, pesticides, and even our water can take a toll on your liver. That's why, people start experiencing symptoms after 30.

They live a terribly unhealthy lifestyle, which is even more horrible for the liver. Thankfully, there are ways to preserve your health and youth from this aspect. There are foods and supplements like milk thistle, burdock, black radish, which are powerful liver detoxifiers. If you want to know more on this topic, check out my videos here.

2. Hormonal balance

Another factor that plays a HUGE role in youthfulness is your hormonal balance. Most of the women (and even men) are suffering from hormonal imbalances. Xenoestrogens, you can learn more about them here, have a negative impact on your fragile hormonal balance and these harmful materials can be found basically everywhere. Your hormones can accelerate or slow down the aging process, taking care of them is essential for longevity.

If you want to learn more about balancing your hormones, make sure to check out my playlist here.

3. Antioxidants

Antioxidants are able to neutralize free radicals, which are linked to stress and premature aging. These are mostly found in raw fruits and vegetables, make sure to eat a lot of those.

4. Vitamin C

Vitamin C is essential for collagen production, it's the body's most powerful water-soluble antioxidant. As you age, collagen production can decrease, causing wrinkles, loose skin, joint problems, etc.

5. Sulfur

Another key factor for collagen production is sulfur, it's one of the most abundant elements in your body and often highly overlooked when it comes to health. Most of the tissue need sulfur, also, it's a key component to one of the strongest antioxidants in your body, glutathione.

Taking MSM powder or capsules can be very beneficial, as well as consuming foods like garlic, onions, asparagus, and eggs.

6. Collagen

As I've mentioned already, collagen is one of the most important factors when it comes to aging. Supplementing with collagen can decrease wrinkles and improve joint health.

7. Water

More than 50% of your body is water. It's crucial for detoxification, joint lubrication, skin elasticity and for basically everything.

Drink at least 2-3 liters of water every day.

8. Sleep

Sleep is the time when your body goes through major recovery. It has an impact on your hormonal balance, immunity, strength, focus, and overall health.

Sleep at least 6-8 hours daily and try to go to sleep before midnight (10 pm or earlier is the best) because melatonine and GH peaks before 12 am.

9. Decrease stress

Stress is one of the main reasons of aging. Adaptogens like ashwagandha, reishi, rhodiola, astragalus are wonderful aids in this case.

10. Decrease processed sugar

Processed sugar leads to insulin spikes and high blood sugar, which destroys collagen and protein in your body.

11. Strength training

Building muscle can control blood sugar because your muscle can absorb sugar without insulin. Many fit people look younger at old age because their muscle keeps blood sugar levels at bay and protects the protein and collagen in their bodies.

I hope this was helpful! Do you have a go-to anti-aging practice? Leave a comment. :)

Have a blessed day! <3


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