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How to deal with panic attacks

How to deal with panic attacks

This is a very serious issue and most people don't talk about it because they think it's shameful. Panic attacks can come with the feelings of being overwhelmed and they can go as bad, that the person thinks they are dying.

Sometimes I have mini panic attacks. I can feel overwhelmed and feel like my world is going to end. Of course, there can be root causes and things you can do to alleviate the symptoms.

First, I would like to talk about the people, who can be affected the most. Hard-working people, who generally care about others. Maximalists, who want to do their best.

Often, when you are over-exhausted, hungry, or lack exercise (which is one of the best forms of stress relief), these factors can trigger the emotions of panic because the brain is not capable of seeing the whole picture.

So, as the first go-to strategy, I would recommend you pay attention to get enough rest, calories, and nutrition, as well as do exercise on a regular basis.

If you practice these and you are still having periods of panic, consider these factors:

1.Suppressed emotions

Very often, if there's something wrong, people tend to swipe problems under the carpet or get busy not to think about it. Both of the approaches work short term. On the other hand, unsolved issues are going to cause you underlying emotional stress. This can make you get triggered by weird things, overreact simple situations.

I would highly recommend journaling on a regular basis. Self-reflection is an excellent way to dive deep into your issues in a safe environment.

2.Caring too much

Another factor that's very common is that some people just care too much about others. They take too much responsibility for other people's actions, which will lead to the 3rd point. You are going to try to control things you can't.

3.Trying to control the things you can't

When you constantly try to change a situation, that doesn't depend on you, you are going to feel depressed and overwhelmed. Focus on the things you CAN control, for example, your reactions and behavior. Don't take responsibility for the things that are out of your control, like other people's choices, habits, and the way they act. Also, free yourself from the opinion of others. You live your life and only you can see what's good for you.

Faith can be very beneficial from this aspect as well. When you believe that God wants you the BEST and give your problems away to the divine source, you won't need to panic anymore.

4.People pleasing

If you are constantly trying to be someone else, that causes an immense amount of emotional stress because you can't react naturally. If you are too worried about other people's opinions, you will constantly live your life the way other people want it and this is going to cause you negative feelings, stress, and unhappiness.

5.Negative thought patterns

I've noticed, every time, I start panicking, there is a main negative thought that bothers me. In my case, it's usually "You are not good enough" "You are not enough". Feeling not enough means that you feel like you are not worthy of love and attention.

If you notice the main thought, which constantly comes up in times of panic, listen to it but NEVER start a conversation with it.

Start journaling. Write down the thought you are hearing in your mind, you might ask yourself the following questions: Why do I feel like that? Who told this to me? Is it true, at all? If not, why is it not true? How can I counteract this with a positive affirmation?

Also, I would recommend you taking adaptogenic herbs, which can lower the stress hormone. These are like ashwagandha, Rhodiola, astragalus, reishi, etc...

I hope this was helpful!

Have a blessed day! <3


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